


A language is not just words

A language is not just words is a UCL project aimed at the promotion of foreign language learning, language awareness and multilingualism in education.

A language is not just words
For this project, colleagues across the School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS), have designed a series of freely available online resources to promote: 
 - The study and use of foreign languages and cultures.
- The relevance of multilingualism and language awareness among children and educators for personal and professional development.


Resources target learners and educational settings from Early Years to Key Stage 5. Each resource comprises of an interactive visual element (video and music) as well as a guidance sheet with instructions and suggestions on how to use the resources provided. Relevant texts relating to the materials in the resource are also provided were applicable. 

For more information and any feedback on this project, please contact the project leaders Elettra Carbone (elettra.carbone@ucl.ac.uk) and Christine Sas (c.sas@ucl.ac.uk). 

We would like to thank
-    UCL Access and Widening Participation for their generous funding; 
-    Gorseland Primary School and the Modern Foreign Languages Department at Arts and Media School Islington for their feedback on the resources; 
-    Anna Betts for the creation of our visual identity and for the artwork used in the Early Years and KS1/KS2 resources; 
-    Stephen Hicks for the musical arrangements used in the Early Years and KS1/KS2 resources.

To explore our range of online resources click on the tabs below. Please use the links to view our videos and supporting resources:

Early Years – KS1

Multilingual songs

Encourage children to be creative and play with language/s with our multilingual nursery rhymes. Please use the links below to view our videos and resources:

Twinkle, twinkle little star

The wheels on the bus

KS1 – KS2

Creative Translation with Songs 

Engage with songs from different cultures and be inspired to create your own songs with our creative translation activities. Please use the links below to view our videos and resources:

Björnen sover (Bear is sleeping)

Incy wincy spider


KS2 – KS3 

Language Awareness

Learn more about why and how we learn languages and about alphabets with our resources. Please use the links below to view our videos and resources:

Why and how we learn foreign languages 


Aren’t alphabets amazing?

KS3 – KS4

Language Awareness and Languages in the World

Explore in more detail what motivates us to learn languages and how languages are spoken around the world. Please use the links below to view our videos and resources:

More about why and how we learn foreign languages 

The Portuguese language in the world

KS4 - KS5

Languages in the World

Learn more about where and how French and Spanish are spoken in the world. Please use the links below to view our videos and resources:

French outside of France

Spanish in the world