
International Centre for Genomic Medicine in Neuromuscular Diseases


Centre Leadership Team

ICGNMD Centre Leadership Team

UCL - Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Professor Michael Hanna
Centre Director and Lead Principal Investigator: Professor Michael Hanna FRCP(UK), FMedSci

Professor Michael G Hanna FRCP(UK), FMedSci is Director of the International Centre for Genomic Medicine in Neuromuscular Disease in addition to his roles as Director of the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Consultant Neurologist

Iris Profile Prof M Hanna



Professor Henry Houlden
Co-Director, Clinical Genetics Co-Lead: Professor Henry Houlden   MD, PhD, FRCPath, FRCP

Professor Houlden holds a Chair in Neurology and Neurogenetics. He co-directs ICGNMD and co-leads on clinical genetics with Professor Chinnery in addition to his role as Head of the Neurogenetics Laboratory at Queen Square Institute of Neurology. His ICGNMD role focuses on management of genomic analysis of ICGNMD samples using a combination of wet lab and bioinformatic techniques. 

Iris Profile Prof H Houlden



Professor Mary Reilly
Co-Director, Fellowships Lead: Professor Mary Reilly MD, FRCP, FRCPI

In addition to ICGNMD Co-Directorship, Professor Reilly leads on ICGNMD’s UK and international Fellowships, working closely with ICGNMD Fellows Tutor Dr Rob Pitceathly and UK Fellows Leads Professor Rita Horvath (Cambridge) and Professor Bobby McFarland (Newcastle). Professor Reilly is Head of the Division of Clinical Neurology at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology.

Iris Profile Prof M Reilly



Dr Lindsay Wilson
Dr Lindsay Wilson, ICGNMD Research Centre Manager

I am responsible for the successful delivery of the ICGNMD and work with our international partners to ensure our Study is managed responsibly. For the UK, I oversee both the international award and our UCL-sponsored HRA-approved study to recruit UK-based participants to the ICGNMD cohort. I have designed study paperwork and protocols and worked with international partners to ensure we align approaches and standards internationally, while respecting local ethics.  I manage genetics and informatics planning and work with local partners to address any practical issues and explore opportunities for additional funding. I have a particular interest in designing practical data sharing policies to accommodate international needs and regulations while also allowing partners to collaborate effectively.

The ICGNMD is a great example of outstanding researchers connecting globally to drive international progress in the genomics of rare diseases, through growing capacity and skills, building a lasting resource for research and engaging with key stakeholders. It is only by such international efforts that we can deliver effective and accessible solutions for all people living with inherited neuromuscular diseases.

UCL - Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health   (UCL GOS ICH)

Professor Francesco Muntoni
Co-Director: UCL GOSH ICH: Professor Francesco Muntoni FRCPH, FMedSci

Iris Profile Prof F Muntoni

Professor Muntoni is Professor of Paediatric Neurology at UCL GOS ICH.  In addition to his ICGNMD Co-Director role, he is Director of the Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre and a paediatric neurologist.



University of Cambridge


Professor Patrick Chinnery
Co-Director, Cambridge; Clinical Genetics Co-Lead: Professor Patrick Chinnery FRCP FMedSci

Professor Chinnery is Co-Director of the ICGNMD in Cambridge and co-leads ICGNMD clinical genetics with Professor Henry Houlden. Patrick Chinnery is Professor of Neurology at the University of Cambridge, head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences and an Honorary Consultant Neurologist at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust.  


Newcastle University


Professor Volker Straub
Co-Director, Newcastle Lead: Professor Volker Straub

Volker Straub is the ICGNMD Co-Director at Newcastle University. He is also Professor of Neuromuscular Genetics and Harold Macmillan Professor of Medicine at Newcastle University, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Translational and Clinical Research and the Director of the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre.



Country Lead:

Professor Wilson Marques Junior, Md, PhD

Wilson Marques Junior MD PhD


Country Lead:

Professor K Thangaraj

In addition to his ICGNMD Centre PI and India Lead roles, Professor Thangaraj is Centre Principal Investigator at the CSIR Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) and Director of the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad.

Dr Thangaraj

South Africa

Country Lead:

Professor Francois van der Westhuizen PhD

Alongside his ICGNMD Centre PI and South Africa Lead roles, Professor van der Westhuizen is Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at North-West University

Prof Francois van der Westhuizen


Country Leads:

Professor Haluk Topaloğlu, MD, Professor of Paediatrics and Neurology

Professor Haluk Topaloglu








Professor Uluç Yis, Professor of Medicine, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi

Dr Yavuz Oktay, Assistant Professor, Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (iBG) / Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi 



Country Lead:

Dr David Bearden, MD

In addition to his ICGNMD Zambia Lead and Co-Investiagtor roles, Dr Bearden is an Assistant Professor in Paediatric Neurology at the University of Rochester Medical Centre, and divides his time between the US and University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.

Dr David Bearden

Link to Research Fellows page:




