
UCL Department of Geography


Evelina Gambino

More about Evelina 


  • 2017 - 2021: PhD Candidate, University College London, Human Geography, ESRC funded
  • 2015-2017: MA in Russian and Eastern European Studies, University of Nottingham, ESRC funded
  • 2012-2014: MA Anthropology and Cultural Politics, Goldsmiths College, University of London
  • 2009-2012: BA Anthropology and Media, Goldsmiths College, University of London


I have taught on the following modules: 



Guest Lectures

  • January 2021: Guest Lecture Ma Program Research Architecture: "Key Works: Collaboration, Conflicts and Negotiation Within and Against The Field". Centre For Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College.
  • November 2019: Guest Lecture Ma Environment Politics and Society: "Logistical Geopolitics". Department of Geography, UCL.
  • January 2019: Guest Lecture Ma Program Research Architecture: “ (Re)making the Georgian New Silk Road”. Centre For Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College
  • January 2018: Guest Lecture Ma Program Research Architecture: “The Logistics of Trial and Error on the Black Sea”. Centre For Research Architecture, Goldsmiths College
  • September 2017: Guest Lecture Ma Program Policy Lab: “Participatory Research and Militant Ethnographies”. Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College

Other Teaching

  • 2017-2018 – Guest Tutor, DS3 Ma Architecture Studio, Master in Architecture (year 2), Oxford Brookes


Journal Articles

Chapters in edited volumes

  • Gambino, E. (2021) "Big Dick Energy at the End of the World: Technopolitics for a Global Hustle". In Benvegnú et al (eds) Gendering Logistics Feminist Approaches for the Analysis of Supply Chain Capitalism. Bologna: University of Bologna Press.
  • Gambino, E., Peano, I. & Into the Black Box (2021) "Introduction: Reading Logistical Operations Through the Prism of Gender". In Benvegnú et al (eds) Gendering Logistics Feminist Approaches for the Analysis of Supply Chain Capitalism. Bologna: University of Bologna Press.
  • Aslanishvili T., Gambino, E. (2018) “Remaking Anaklia: Landscapes of Trial and Error Across the New Silk Road” in Anfrage // Werkleitz Festival Catalogue 2018 HOLEN UND BRINGEN
  • Gambino, E., (2017). ‘The “Gran Ghetto: Migrant Labor and Militant Research in Southern Italy.’ in De Genova, N. (ed) The Borders of “Europe”: Autonomy of Migration, Tactics of Bordering. Durham: Duke University Press. DOI 


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Other publications

Research Interests

My PhD thesis focused on the development of logistics infrastructure in Georgia. Through an ethnographic analysis of the ongoing infrastructural reconstruction of one key site, I analyse the country’s logistical turn as at once a discursive and material formation. My field site was the emerging port town of Anaklia. Situated on the Black Sea Coast, at the border with the de facto state of Abkhazia this village has, for over a decade, been at the centre of ambitious national and foreign investment aimed at turning this once peripheral coastal village into a trade and transport hub with a global reach.

This development, supported by the Georgian state and managed by a private multinational corporation was commonly referred to as “the project of the century” and understood to be vital for the country’s transformation into a transit corridor, an element of the Belt and Road Initiative that would forge new connections between Europe and Asia. Over the course of the ethnography, however, the project came to a halt.

By charting the development and eventual demise of this ambitious infrastructural effort, my research brings together a theoretical and political focus on the geography of logistical capitalism with ethnographic attention to practices of future-making. My research spans the fields of critical logistics, feminist geography, critical geopolitics and anthropology and geography of infrastructure. I am a member of the Environment, Politics and Society research cluster