
UCL Department of Geography


The New Urban Crisis

5 September 2018

MSc students review Richard Florida's latest book

The New Urban Crisis

Students in the Creative Cities module of the UCL Geography MSc Urban Studies programme have published a review of the influential urbanist Richard Florida’s latest book in the journal Planning Perspectives (2018, 33/3, 481-2).

The New Urban Crisis: How our cities are increasing inequality, deepening segregation, and failing the middle-class – and what we can do about it (Basic Books, 2017), focuses on inequality, gentrification, housing bubbles and neoliberalism in cities.

The review, by MSc students, Jordan Rowe, Olivia Smith and Sidra Ahmed, with staff member Dr Andrew Harris, argues that, while there are deeper analyses, especially of urban crisis, Florida’s book does a reasonable job of tying together the central elements and contradictions of contemporary neoliberal governance for non-academic readers.

Read the review