
UCL Department of Geography


Rory Coulter’s new book

22 May 2023

Housing and Life Course Dynamics: Changing Lives, Places and Inequalities was published today by Policy Press

Rory Coulter’s new book

The book aims to put people and inequality at the heart of how we think, discuss and make policy about housing in the 21st century. It draws together over a decade of Rory’s work in this field to explore how who we are matters for our housing and how housing helps make us into who we are.

Rory explains that his teaching in UCL Geography provided the impetus for writing the book. “While the general idea had been at the back of my mind for some time,” he says, “teaching across a range of modules like Economic Geography, Urban Geography and Urban Policy - as well as supervising many student dissertations about housing in recent years – really laid bare how fragmented and surprisingly patchy our knowledge of housing’s role in the life course actually is. Students kept asking me where they could read up on these topics and all I could point them towards were books written over ten years ago”.

Rory says that he wanted to change this “by providing an accessible synthesis of how housing interacts with family lives, educational careers, employment, household finances, health and the social dynamics of places in varied and often unequal ways in 21st-century Global North societies.”

Writing the book was itself an eventful process for Rory. “In the time it took to get the book from proposal to publication I’ve had two children, moved house twice and made it through several lockdown spells of working from home so yes, you could describe writing it as a dynamic life course process with lots of housing events” he jokes.

Rory now plans to develop several new research ideas relating to residential mobility and housing transitions that emerged while he was writing Housing and Life Course Dynamics.