
UCL Department of Geography


Hugh Clout




  • B.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. all from UCL, Doctorat de l'Universite de Paris I, D.Lit University of London.
  • Fellow of the British Academy.
  • Specialisms: rural and historical geography, regional development, France, Western Europe, London.
  • Taught at UCL since 1967; Dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences, 1995-2004.
  • Doctorat honoris causa Sorbonne

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Selection of publications

  • David Lowenthal, 1923-2018. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 39 (2021), 27-75.
  • Eric Brown, 1922-2018. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 39 (2021), 77-107.
  • Maurice Le Lannou, 1906-1992, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies (2021), 109-41.
  • Renée Rochefort, 1924-2012. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 39 (2021), 143-67.
  • Gaston Gravier, 1886-1915 and Jean-François Gravier, 1915-2005, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 39 (2021), 169-206.
  • Two geographers, father and daughter. Pierre Foncin, 1941-1916, and Myriem Foncin, 1893-1976. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 39 (2021), 207-35.
  • David Lowenthal, 1923-2018, renowned academic and public intellectual, Landscape Research (on line July 2020)
  • Alice Saunier-Séïté, 1925-2003, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 38 (2020), 137-63.
  • Paul Veyret (1912-1988) and Germaine Veyret-Verner (1913-1973), Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 37 (2019), 105-32.
  • (With T. Barnes) David Lowenthal, 1923-2018, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy 18 (2019), 337-64.
  • David Lowenthal, Geographical Journal 185 (2019), 127-8.
  • David Lowenthal, Guardian 1 October 2018 (on-line, 27 September 2018).
  • David Lowenthal, Historical Geography Research Group Newsletter, 2018 (Autumn), 7-8.
  • Eric Brown, Geographical Journal 184 (2018), 215-6.
  • Paul Veyret (1912-1988) and Germaine Veyret-Verner (1913-1973), Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 37 (2018), 105-32.
  • Anne Buttimer, Geographical Journal 183 (2017), 455-6.
  • From History to Heritage: the legacy of la grande reconstruction around the Lys valley, in L’Univers d’un geographe. Mélanges en l’honneur de Jean-Robert Pitte, eds. J.R. Trochet, G. Chemla and V. Moriniaux, Paris, Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, (2017), 97-113.
  • (with S. Shennan) David Harris, 1930-2013, Bibliographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy (2017), 363-85.
  • (with M. Jones) William Richard Mead, 1915-2014, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 36 (2017), 89-128.
  • Stanley Henry Beaver, 1907-1984, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 36 (2017), 129-56.
  • André Meynier, 1901-1983, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 36 (2017), 181-207.
  • The First Five Professors of Geography at Clermont-Ferrand. Philippe Arbos 1882-1956 ; Lucien Gachon 1894-1984; Max Derruau 1920-2004; Pierre Estienne 1923-96; André Fel 1926-2009. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 36 (2017), 209-49.
  • David Russell Harris, 1930-2013, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 35 (2016), 33-62.
  • The Vidalian Géographie Universelle : Five Scholars on the Fringes of the French University World, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 35 (2016), 63-93.
  • William Gordon East, 1902-1998, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 35 (2016), 121-44.
  • Jacques Levainville, 1869-1932, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 35 (2016), 163-83.
  • Ed Soja, winner of the Vautrin-Lud International Prize, 2015, Finisterra 51 (2016) 143-146.
  • French geographers and geography in wartime and German occupation, 1939-1945,
  • Journal of Historical Geography 47 (2015), 16-28.
  • Pierre Birot, 1909-1984, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 34 (2015), 11-35.
  • Hugh Counsell Prince, 1927-2013, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 34 (2015), 63-95.
  • William Richard Mead, 1915-2014, Bibliographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy 14 (2015), 383-408.
  • William Richard Mead, Geographical Journal 181 (2015), 185-86.
  • Reconstruction in northern France after the First World War, Landscape Journal (2014-Summer), 52-57.
  • Jean Tricart, 1920-2003, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 33 (2014), 11-41.
  • André Guilcher, 1913-1993, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 33 (2014), 43-68.
  • Raoul Blanchard, 1877-1970, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 32 (2013), 6-32.
  • Emmanuel de Margerie, 1862-1963, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 32 (2013), 33-53.
  • Pierre Monbeig, 1908-1987, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 32 (2013), 54-78.
  • Charles Robequain, 1897-1963, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 32 (2013), 79-103.
  • (with C. Vita-Finzi) Tony French, Guardian on-line, 3 February 2013.
  • Hugh Counsell Prince, Geographical Journal 179 (2013), 382-383.
  • Hugh Counsell Prince, Journal of Historical Geography 41 (2013), 82-85.
  • The fluctuating fortunes of viticulture in England and Wales, ECHOGEO 23 (2013) 1-16.
  • Destruction, revival and reconstruction across Alsace and Lorraine, 1939-1960, in The Blitz and its Legacy: from destruction to reconstruction, eds. M. Clapson & P. Larkham, Farnham, Ashgate, (2013), 167-178.
  • The Countryside: towards a theme park?, in Oxford Handbook of Postwar European History, ed. D. Stone, Oxford, OUP (2012) 563-581.
  • (with A. Maddrell) Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor, 1879-1966, Geographers Biobibliographical Studies 31 (2012), 1-29.
  • Aimé Vincent Perpillou, 1902-1976, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 31 (2012), 56-63.
  • Two Vidalians: Antoine Vacher, 1873-1920, and René Musset, 1881-1977, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 31 (2012), 64-80.
  • Jean Dresch, 1905-1994, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 31 (2012), 81-103.
  • André Cholley, 1886-1968, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 31 (2012), 104-118.
  • Daniel Faucher, 1882-1970, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 31 (2012), 119-136.
  • French geographers under international gaze: regional excursions for the XIIIth International Geographical Congress, 1931, Belgeo (2012), 1-12.
  • Lionel Lyde, 1863-1947, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 30 (2011), 1-21.
  • Marcel Dubois, 1856-1916, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 30 (2011), 134-151
  • André Siegfried, 1875-1959, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 30 (2011), 152-174.
  • Pierre Deffontaines, 1894-1978, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 30 (2011) 175-197.
  • Professorial patronage and the formation of French geographical knowledge. A bio-bibliographical exploration of one hundred non-metropolitan regional monographs, 1893-1969, Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography 549 (2011), 1-36.
  • Une géographie populaire : la Société de géographie commerciale du Havre, 1884-1948, Etudes Normandes 61 (2011-4), 67-76.
  • Paying the price for freedom: from destruction toward reconstruction in northern France, 1940-1960, in Reconstructing Conflict: integrating war and post-war geographies, eds. S. Kirsch & C. Flint, Farnham, Ashgate, (2011), pp. 157-176.
  • Geographical pioneers in Lyon, 1874-1929, Géocarrefour 86 (2011), 161-171.
  • Michael Williams, 1935-2009, Proceedings of the British Academy 172 (2011), 355-375.
  • Jacques Levainville : a Vidalian by adoption, in Les Passions d’un historien : Mélanges Jean-Pierre Poussou, ed. R. Abad, Paris, Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, (2010), pp. 1767-1778.
  • Pierre George, 1909-2006, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 29 (2010) 35-56
  • Philippe Pinchemel, 1923-2008, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies 29 (2010) 57-72
  • Relire Roger Dion, in Le bon vin : entre terroir, savoir-faire et savoir-boire, ed. J-R. Pitte, Paris, CNRS, (2010), pp. 3-13.
  • (with J. Salt) Professor J.H. Johnson, Geographical Journal, 176 (2010), 105-107.
  • Professor Michael Williams, Geographical Journal, 176 (2010), 111-114.
  • Popularising geography in France’s second city: The role of the Société de Géographie de Lyon, Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 449 (2009), 1-20.
  • Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier, 1917-1995, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, 28 (2009) 131-46
  • From Utah Beach toward reconstruction: revival in the Manche département of Lower Normandy after June 1944, Journal of Historical Geography, 35 (2009) 154-177.
  • (with B.W. Atkinson)  Professor T.J. Chandler, Geographical Journal, 175 (2009), 82-83.
  • (with T. Oke)  T.J. Chandler, Weather, 64 (2009), 53-54.
  • (with P. Wood)  Gerald Manners, Guardian, 5 June 2009.
  • (with P. Wood)  Gerald Manners 1932-2009,  Regions, 274 (2009), 34.
  • Gerald Manners, RGS on-line (2009)
  • Gerald Manners, Progress in Human Geography, 33 (2009), on-line 1-4.
  • Popular geographies and scholarly geographies in provincial France: the Société Normande de Géographie, Journal of Historical Geography, 34 (2008) 24-47.
  • Popular geographies in a French port city: the experience of the Le Havre Society of Commercial Geography, 1884-1948, Scottish Geographical Journal, 124 (2008) 53-77.
  • Maximilien Sorre, 1880-1962, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, 27 (2008) 93-106.
  • Reconstruction in the Manche département after the Normandy Landings, Modern and Contemporary France, 16 (2008) 3-21.
  • The Auvergne countryside: a retrospective view, in Les étrangers dans les campagnes, ed. J-P. Diry. Clermont-Ferrand, CERAMAC, 2008, 5-13.
  • Thoughts on the evolution of rural geography in the British Isles, Géocarrefour, 83 (2008) 279-83.
  • Henry Clifford Darby, 1909-1992, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, 26 (2007),
  • (editor) The Times History of London (5th edition), 192pp., Harper-Collins, London.
  • Reconstruction in the Manche département after the Normandy Landings, Modern and Contemporary France, 16, 2008, (in press).
  • Popular geographies and scholarly geographies in provincial France: the Société Normande de Géographie, Journal of Historical Geography, 33, 2007 (in press).
  • Henry Clifford Darby (1909-1992, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, 26, 2007 (in press)
  • (editor) The Times History of London (5th edition), 192pp., Harper-Collins, London, 2007 (in press)
  • (editor) Contemporary Rural Geographies : land, property and resources in Britain, 208pp., Routledge, London, 2007, ISBN 0 415 43183 2.
  • Richard Munton: geographer and rural geographer, in ed. H. Clout, Contemporary Rural Geographies : land, property and resources in Britain, pp. 189-199, Routledge, London, 2007
  • Jean Gottmann comme messager transatlantique, La Géographie, 1523bis, pp. 249-259, 2007.
  • The Marais Vernier : a landscape biography, Landscape History, 28, pp. 63-76, 2006.
  • Jean Brunhes (1869-1930), Geographers : Biobibliographical Studies, 25, pp. 1-12, 2006.
  • (with R.J. Johnston & P. Hall) Jean Gottmann (1915-1994), Geographers : Biobibliographical Studies, 25, pp. 42-59, 2006.
  • Rural France in the new millennium: Geography, 91, pp. 205-217, 2006.
  • Beyond the Landings: the reconstruction of Lower Normandy after June 1944, Journal of Historical Geography, 32, pp. 127-148, 2006.
  • Cross-Channel Geographers: a century of activity: Cybergeo: Revue européenne de géographie, 330, pp. 1-24, 2005.
  • Les influences françaises sur la géographie britannique. Les enseignements et les écrits de H.C. Darby, pp. 77-88, in eds. P. Boulanger & J-R. Trochet, Où en est la géographie historique ? L’Harmattan, Paris, 2005, ISBN 2 7475 8144 6.
  • France, Poland and Europe: the experience of the XIVth International Geographical Congress, Warsaw 1934, Belgeo, 6, pp. 435-444, 2005.
  • Lucien Gallois, 1857-1941, Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, 24, pp. 28-41, 2005
  • The great reconstruction of towns and cities in France 1918-35, Planning Perspectives, 20, pp. 1-33, 2005
  • Geographies in their ivory tower: academic geography and popular geography in Paris 1931, Geografiska Annaler, 87B, pp. 15-29. 2005
  • Rebuilding Northern France after the Great War: Construction History Society Newsletter, 70, pp.7-10, 2004
  • The contested commonlands of the Pays de Bray: Rural History, No. 15, pp.47-67, 2004
  • De la geographie a l'action: Jacques Levainville, militaire geographe et homme d'affaires: Etudes Normandes, no. 53, pp.51-60, 2004
  • Jules Sion, Alan Grant Ogilvie and the College des Ecossais in Montpellier : a network of geographers ; Scottish Geographical Journal, no. 120, pp. 181-198, 2004
  • Ruins and revival: Paris in the aftermath of the second world war: Landscape Research, no. 29, pp. 117-139, 2004
  • Lessons from experience: French geographers and the transcontinental excursion of 1912, Progress in Human Geography , 28, pp.597 - 618, 2004
  • The Times History of London (new edition) 2004
  • Visions of la geographie humaine in twentieth-century France, Geographical Review, 93, pp.370-393, 2003
  • Geography at University College London: a brief history, 56pp., University College London, London, 2003, ISBN 0 904813 31 2.
  • Place description, regional geography and area studies: the chorographic inheritance, in eds. R.J. Johnston & M. Williams, A Century of British Geography, pp. 247- 274, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
  • La grande reconstruction: un itineraire personnel, in eds. A. Dumenil & P. Nivet, Les Reconstructions en Picardie, pp. 160-176, Encrage, Amiens, 2003.
  • The Pays de Bray; a vale of dairies in northern France, Agricultural History Review, 51, pp 190-208, 2003.
  • In the shadow of Vidal de La Blache: letters to Albert Demangeon and the social dynamics of French geography in the early twentieth century, Journal of Historical Geography, 29, pp. 336-355, 2003.
  • Streets broad and narrow; reflections on the urban history of Ireland and England, Journal of Urban History, 29, pp. 504-512, 2003.
  • The Geographie Universelle ... but which Geographie Universelle?, Annales de Geographie, 112, pp. 563-582, 2003.
  • Albert Demangeon, 1872-1940: Pioneer of la Geographie Humaine, Scottish Geographical Journal, 119, pp. 1-24, 2003.
  • The Naval Intelligence Handbooks: a monument in geographical writing, Progress in Human Geography, 27, pp. 153-173, 2003.
  • New countryside, old peasants? Politics, tradition and modernity in rural France, Modern and Contemporary France, 11, pp. 259-263, 2003.
  • Jean Gottmann 1915-1994, Proceedings of the British Academy, 120, pp. 201-215, 2003.
  • "L'Histoire de Londres"(Presses Universitaires de France, 1999)
  • After the Ruins (Exeter University Press, 1996) 

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Four related research projects are running concurrently:

  • Reconstruction of the town and countryside of northern France is being further researched and refined to contribute toward a monograph on reconstruction in France during the 20th century, plus associated articles.
  • Reconstruction of town and country in France during the 1940s and 1950s will form the main focus of that monograph, with archival case studies being worked up for Paris and Lower Normandy, as well as less intensive archive and library work on Northern France, Upper Normandy, Alsace, Brittany and other regions (main archival resource being the national archive holdings at Fontainebleau).
  • Research into the rural geography of northern France continues.
  • Letters received by Albert Demangeon between 1904 and 1917 have triggered an ongoing suite of papers on Demangeon; the Vidalians and the historiography of French academic geography in the 20th century.

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