
UCL Department of Geography


John Salt



  • BA(Hons) Geography, University of Liverpool, 1963. PhD, University of Liverpool, 1967.


  • Royal Geographical Society, Edward Heath Award for contributions to the study of population and migration in Europe, 1993.

Brief Biography

  • Professor, UCL, University of London, 1996 - (Emeritus 2008-)
  • Director, Migration Research Unit, UCL (1989-)
  • Co-Director. Leverhulme Programme on Migration and Citizenship (2003-)
  • Consultant to OECD (1985-)
  • EU (1995-97; 2000-2002), Council of Europe (1991-2006)
  • Australian government (2003, 2005-2006), UK Home Office (1999-)
  • National Audit Office (2004), Office for National Statistics (2002-)
  • UK Population Theme Advisory Board (2006-)
  • Catholic Bishops Conference: International Migration Advisory Board (2009-)

Committees and Administration

  • Chairman, Migration Statistics Users Forum (2014-)


  • Salt J. and Bauer V., 2020, Managing Foreign Labour Immigration to the UK: Government Policy and Outcomes since 1945
  • Salt J., 2018, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Wood, P. & Salt, J., 2018, Staffing UK universities at international campuses. Higher Education Policy 31(2), 181–199; doi:10.1057/s41307-017-0049-5
  • Salt, J., OECD Secretariat, 2018. Recent developments in international migration movements and policies, 50-69 in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris.
  • Salt J., 2017, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Salt, J., OECD Secretariat, 2017. Recent developments in international migration movements and policies, 38-55 in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris
  • Salt, J., OECD Secretariat, 2016. Country Notes: Recent developments in international migration movements and policies, 237-312 in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris
  • Salt J., 2016, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Salt, J., 2016,  Mobilność, wiedza i nowoczesna komunikacja. In: A. Górny, P. Kaczmarczyk, M. Lesińska (eds.) Transformacje. Przewodnik po zmianach społeczno-ekonomicznych w Polsce. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, pp. 112-119. [Transitions. A guide to socio-economic changes in Poland.]
  • OECD Secretariat, Salt, J., 2015. Recent developments in international migration movements and policies, 16-53 in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris.
  • Salt J., 2015, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL
  • Salt J., 2014, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL
  • Salt, J. and Okolski, M. 2014 'Polish emigration to the UK after 2004: Why did so many come?'. 1-27 in Central and Eastern European Migration Review.
  • Salt, J. and Wood, P.A. 2014. ‘Staffing UK university campuses overseas: lessons from MNE practice’. Journal of Studies in International Education, (18(1), 84-97). Available on-line at: click here
  • OECD Secretariat, Lubyova, M. and Salt, J., 2013 Recent developments in international movements and policies 15-62 in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris.
  • Salt J., 2013, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Salt, J. and Dobson, J.M., 2013 Cutting net migration to the tens of thousands: what exactly does that mean? Discussion Paper, Migration Research Unit, UCL.
  • Salt J., 2012, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Wood, P.A. and Salt, J. 2012 ‘Shifting portfolios of international labour mobility among UK-based business consultancies’, Geoforum, 43 (4), 815-823.
  • Salt, J. and Wood, P.A. 2012. ‘Recession and international corporate mobility’, Global Networks, 12(4): 425–45.
  • OECD Secretariat, Lubyova, M. and Salt, J., 2012. Migration policy developments. 97-121 in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris.
  • Salt, J., 2011, Trends in Europe’s international migration, 17-36 in Rechel, B., Mladovsky, P., Deville, W., Rijks, B., Petrova-Benedict, R. and McKee, M. (eds), Migration and Health in the European Union. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
  • Salt J., 2011, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Salt, J., Dobson, J., Latham, A., Mateos, P., Wood, P.A., Dennet, A., Bauere, V., 2011, European Migration Network: Satisfying Labour Demand Through Migration. London, Home Office.
  • Modood, T. and Salt, J, 2011, Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. 248-268 in Modood, T. and Salt, J., Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Salt, J, 2011, International students and the labour market. 132-149 in Modood, T. and Salt, J., Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Salt, J and Wood, P.A., 2011, Acquisition and mobility of expertise in global corporate labour markets. 84-107 in Modood, T. and Salt, J., Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Salt, J., 2011, Migration to and from the UK. 14-39 in Modood, T. and Salt, J., Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Modood, T. and Salt, J., 2011, Migration, minorities and the nation. 3-13 in Modood, T. and Salt, J., (Eds.) Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Garson, J-P. and Salt, J., 2011, 50 year review: international migration. in International Migration Outlook: SOPEMI 2011, OECD, Paris.
  • Desiderio, M.V., Leibig, T. and Salt, J., 2011, Migration policy developments. in International Migration Outlook: SOPEMI 2011, OECD, Paris.
  • Desiderio, M.V. and Salt, J., 2010, Main findings of the conference on entrepreneurship and employment creation of immigrants in OECD countries, 9-10 June 2010. 13-19 in Open for Business: Migrant Entrepreneurship in OECD Countries. OECD, Paris.
  • Salt, J.. 2010, DEELSA Secretariat, Migration policy development. 54-82 in International Migration Outlook: SOPEMI 2010, OECD, Paris.
  • Salt J., 2010, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Dobson, J., Latham, A. and Salt, J., 2010, European Migration Network Annual Report on Asylum and Migration Statistics for the UK 2007. London, Home Office UK Border Agency.
  • Salt J., 2009, International Migration and the UK. Annual Report of the UK SOPEMI Correspondent to the OECD. London, Migration Research Unit UCL.
  • Salt, J., 2009, ‘Business travel and portfolios of mobility within global companies’, in Deruder, B, Witlox, F., Beaverstock, J and Faulconbridge, J (efds.) Business Travel in the Global Economy. London, Ashgate.
  • Salt, J., 2009, New forms of mobility in Europe: global corporate labour markets and the international movement of expertise. 15-25 in Duszczyka, M. and Lesinskiez, M. (eds.), Wspolczesne Migracje: Dylematy Europy I Polski, Warsaw, University of Warsaw Press.
  • Dobson, J., Latham, A. and Salt, J., 2009, On the move? Labour migration in times of recession. What can we learn from the past? London, Policy Network Paper.
  • Dobson, J. and Salt, J., 2009, Pointing the way? Managing UK immigration in difficult times. People and Place, 17(2), 16-29.
  • Salt, J., 2008, Managing new migrations in Europe: Concept and reality in the ICT sector. 19-35 in Bonifazi, C., Okolski, M., Schoorl, J., Simon, P. (eds.), International Migration in Europe, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
  • Salt, J.. 2008, Migration policy development. 93-121 in International Migration Outlook: SOPEMI 2008, OECD, Paris.
  • Salt, J., 2008, Global corporate labour markets and the international mobility of expertise. Managing Highly Skilled Labour Migration Seminar, Amsterdam, OECD, Paris.
  • Millar, J. and Salt, J., 2008, Portfolios of mobility: the movement of expertise in transnational corporations in two sectors – aerospace and extractive industries. Global Networks, 8(1), 25-50.
  • Bauere, V., Densham, P., Millar, J., Salt, J., 2007, Migrants from central and eastern Europe: local geographies. Population Trends, 129, Autumn 2007, 7-19.
  • Salt, J., 2007, Europe’s migration streams: implications and policy concerns. Zeitschrift fur Bevolkerungswissenschaft, 32, 3-4, 469-504.
  • Dobson, J. and Salt, J., 2006, Foreign Recruitment in Health and Social Care: Recent Experience Reviewed in International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, Volume 2, Issue 3/4. pp.41-57.
  • Salt, J. and Millar, J., 2006 , In whose interests? IT migration in an interconnected world economy. Population, Space and Place, 13, 41-58.
  • Salt, J. and Millar, J., 2006, Foreign labour in the United Kingdom. Labour Market Trends, October, 335-355. Office for National Statistics.
  • Salt, J. and Almeida, J.C., 2006, International migration in Europe. Patterns and trends since the mid-1990s. Revue Européene des Migrations Internationales, 22(2), 155-175.
  • Salt, J. and Millar, J., 2006, International migration in interesting times: the case of the UK, People and Place, 14 (2), 14-24.
  • Salt, J., 2006. Skilled migration: the UK and Australia. 245-294 in Birrell, B., Hawthorne, L. and Richardson, S. Evaluation of the General Skilled Migration Categories. Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Canberra.
  • Rendall, M. and Salt, J., 2005, The foreign-born population, 131-151 in Chappell, R. (ed.), Focus on People and Migration, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
  • Salt, J. and Clarke, J.A., 2005, Migration matters, Prospect, May, 46-51
  • Salt, J., 2005, Current Trends in International Migration in Europe. Council of Europe, Strasbourg 177pp
  • den Adel, M., Blauw, W., Dobson, J., Hoesch, K., and Salt, J., 2004, Recruitment and the migration of foreign workers in health and social care, IMIS- Beiträge, Vol 25, 201-230.
  • Dobson, J. and Salt, J., 2004, Review of migration statistics, IMIS- Beiträge, Vol 25, 99-140
  • Pinkerton, C.,McLaughlan, G. and Salt, J., 2004, Sizing the Illegal Population of the UK, Home Office, London.
  • Salt, J., Clarke, J. and Wanner, P. (2004) International Labour Migration, Population Studies 44, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
  • Salt, J. 2003. ‘A nemzetközi vándorlás összetétele és változása Európában’ [‘International migration in Europe – Patterns and developments’] in Demográfia Vol. 46. Budapest. 319-331.
  • Clarke, J., Dobson, J., Koser, K., Pooley, C. and Salt, J. (2003) ‘The Ins and Outs of Migration’ in Connections, Summer 2003, Commission for Racial Equality. 10-12
  • Clarke, J. and Salt, J. (2003) ‘Work permits and foreign labour in the UK: a statistical review’ in Labour Market Trends, November 2003, Vol. 111, No. 11, London: Office for National Statistics. 563-574
  • Coleman, D., Compton, P and Salt, J., 2002, Demography of migrant populations: the case of the United Kingdom, 497-552 in Haug, W., Compton, P. and Courbage, Y. (Eds.), The Demographic Characteristics of Immigrant Populations, Population Studies No. 38, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
  • Salt, J. and Clarke, J.A., Europe’s migrant groups, 17-55 in Haug, W., Compton, P. and Courbage, Y. (Eds.), The Demographic Characteristics of Immigrant Populations, Population Studies No. 38, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
  • Salt, J., 2002, External migration and ethnic group, 93-103 in Haskey, J. (Ed.), Population Projections by Ethnic Group: a Feasibility Study, National Statistics, SMPS No. 67, HMSO, London.
  • Salt, J., 2002, Hot property: the global market for skills, About the House: House of Representatives Magazine, Issue 14. Canberra.
  • Salt, J., 2002, Global competition for skills: an evaluation of policies, 201-243 in Migration: Benefiting Australia, Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra. ISSN 0 642 26068 0.
  • McLaughlan, G. and Salt, J., 2002, Migration Policies Towards Highly Skilled Foreign Workers, Home Office, London. 156pp. ISBN 1 84082 8544.
  • Schmidt, S. and Salt, J., The development of free movement in the European Union, in Papademetriou, D. and Meyers, D.W. (eds.), Caught in the Middle: Border Communities in an era of Globalisation, 2001, Carnegie Endowment Publications, Washington DC.
  • Dobson, J., McLaughlan, G., and Salt, J., International Migration and the United Kingdom, 66-70 in Home Office, Bridging the Information Gaps, 2001, London.
  • Dobson, J., Koser, K., McLaughlan, G., and Salt, J., International Migration and the United Kingdom: Recent Patterns and Trends, RDS Occasional Paper 75, 2001, Home Office, London, 280pp.
  • Salt, J. and Clarke, J.A., Foreign labour in the United Kingdom, Labour Market Trends, October 2001, 473-483.
  • Salt, J., Current Trends in Migration in Europe. 2000, 2001 Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
  • Salt, J. The business of international migration, 86-108 in Siddique, M.A.B. (ed.) International Migration into the 21st Century. Essays in Honour of Reginald Appleyard, 2001. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.


  • 2010, European Migration Network, Home Office
  • Intra-Company Transfers in the IT sector, 2009. Home Office, Migration Advisory Committee.
  • Economic Downturn and Migration, 2009. Equality and Human Rights Commission.
  • European Migration Network, 2009. Home Office.
  • Leverhulme Research Programme: Migration and Ethnicity, 2003-2011. A joint programme with the University of Bristol involving eight research projects over 5 years.
  • The Political Economy of Migration in an Integrating Europe, 2001-04. A collaborative project involving the Universities of Coimbra, Osnabruck, Amsterdam, Milan, Berne and UCL. Funded through the EU 5th Framework research programme.

Research Interests

Main Areas of Interest

International migration in Europe and the UK, especially labour migration; global movements by the highly skilled; migrant trafficking and human smuggling; international migration statistics; staffing strategies in UK university international branch campuses.

Current Research Positions