
UCL Department of Geography


Culture and Migration

This research cluster brings together human geographers working across social, cultural and historical geography at UCL with specific expertise in relation to migration studies and refugee studies. Researchers in this cluster share a theoretical concern with social and particularly gendered and racialised inequalities and differences; critical approaches to social and cultural geographies; a commitment to empirical and often historical-geographical research; and an interest in working with creative partners and a wide range of user groups.

UCL has long been a leader in cultural historical geography and this intellectual legacy is evident in the range of contemporary scholarship, particularly the pioneering work of James Kneale on literary geographies and the historical geographies of drinking and licensing. A commitment to critical race and postcolonial theory underpins research leadership on historical black geographies, through Caroline Bressey’s leadership of the Equiano Centre, and Tariq Jazeel’s scholarship on the postcolonial politics and landscapes of Sri Lanka and South India. Tariq also leads UCL’s new South Asian Studies network.

The Department of Geography at UCL has had diverse interests in international migration over many years, which continue into the present. UCL’s interdisciplinary Migration Research Unit is linked to this research cluster, which also leads the MSc Global Migration programme. Current research focuses on three main areas: forced migration, refugees and humanitarian assistance (Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Tatiana Thieme, Tom Western); migration, family and cross-border, transnational and international education (Johanna Waters); and migration and development, remittances and transnational networks (Ben Page). The cluster has specific expertise in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, South and East Asia. Ben Page and Tatiana Thieme are also part of the UCL Africa Research Centre.

There are also important cross-cutting links within this research cluster between migration and culture such as Caroline Bressey's work on historical black mobilities, Tariq Jazeel's work on diasporic formations, Ben Page’s analysis of colonial documentary cinema and Tom Western's work on sound and the history of radio. This research cluster supports a group of postdoctoral researchers and a large cohort of PhD students. It also maintains strong links with UCL’s Institute of Advanced Studies.

Group Members

Claire Dwyer

Professor Claire Dwyer (1964-2019) was an important leader and friend to members of the Culture and Migration research group during her years at UCL. She was co-director of the Migration Research Unit and oversaw the creation of the MSc programme in Global Migration. You can read more about Claire’s work and tributes left by friends and colleagues on her memorial page.