
Global Business School for Health


Developing Inclusive HealthTech Workshop

02 May 2023, 10:00 am–3:00 pm


We invite you to a workshop organised by UCL Global Business School for Health and UCL Innovation & Enterprise where we will focus on exploring how Digital Health can facilitate healthy, positive and inclusive health and wellbeing.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Global Business School for Health


103C Camley Street
United Kingdom

The objective of this workshop is to foster innovation among HealthTech entrepreneurs to make their solutions more accessible and thereby reduce digital exclusion of the vulnerable groups.

You will be able to learn from experts about different perspectives on what could be improved in HealtTech solutions to make it more accessible, inclusive, and consequently accepted. Our experts specialise in FemTech, innovation for healthy aging, healthcare communications, and personalisation of HealthTech solutions.

We invite HealthTech entrepreneurs, clinicians, researchers, community leaders and practitioners to explore potential solutions during the roundtable discussions. The roundtable discussions will focus on brainstorming ideas for different types of solutions (e.g., remote care, lifestyle modifications for disease prevention, mental health support, diagnostic tools, etc.). Updated agenda to follow up shortly.


09:45-10:15: Registration and refreshments

10:15-11.30: Plenary session 1: To introduce inclusion challenges and opportunities across various health domains.

Chair: Dr Marzena Nieroda, Assistant Professor of Marketing and Commercialisation for Healthcare

Session 1 speakers:

  • Dr Marzena Nieroda, Assistant Professor of Marketing and Commercialisation for Healthcare, UCL, GBSH: welcome and introductions
  • Prof. Tara Keck, Professor of Neuroscience, UCL will discuss inclusion challenges and opportunities in relation to mental health
  • Prof Joyce Harper, Professor of Reproductive Science, UCL: inclusion challenges and opportunities in relation to female health.
  • Prof Mine Orlu, Professor of Pharmaceutics, UCL: inclusion challenges and opportunities of personalisation of medicines for aging population.

11:30-11:45: Comfort break

11:45-13.00: Plenary session 2: To introduce digital inclusion challenges and opportunities from the perspective of industry.

Chair: Dr Adam Dubis, Associate Professor and Programme Lead Digital Health and Entrepreneurship, UCL, GBSH

Session 2 speakers:

  • Dr Adam Dubis, Associate Professor and Programme Lead Digital Health and Entrepreneurship, UCL, GBSH
  • Dr Vernon Bainton, Chief Medical Officer, Havas Lynx Group will highlight digital inclusion challenges and opportunities from the perspective of healthcare communications.
  • Dr Debashis Das, Chief Executive Officer Ortus-iHealth, Consultant Cardiologist St Bart’s Hospital will highlight service transformation challenges and opportunities in relation to digital inclusion.
  • Dr Chindu Kabir, Chief Executive Officer, Post Op, will highlight service transformation challenges and opportunities in relation to digital inclusion.

13:00-13:45: Lunch

13.45-14:30: Roundtable discussions: To provide an opportunity for delegates to share learning and ideas and brainstorm how they could support development of more inclusive HealthTech solutions. The roundtable discussions will evolve around (1) roadmap to commercialisation, (2) communicating and engaging with the public, and (3) building inclusion in HealthTech solutions.

Roundtable discussion facilitators:

  • Dr Marzena Nieroda
  • Dr Paola Zappa
  • Dr Adam Dubis
  • Mr Kemil Thomas
  • Ms Rosa Radmann

14:30-15.00: Reflections and networking