
Global Business School for Health


Advice from current GBSH students for prospective students

13 February 2023

Are you a prospective student looking for some advice on how to make the most of your time here at UCL GBSH? Well our current Digital Health and Entrepreneurship students give you their top tips!

group of students chatting

Krzysztof Homa

Headshot of Kyzszthof

Understand your program before applying

Read through the syllabus and the list of modules before choosing a programme. Understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Attend open online/onsite GBSH events

This is an excellent way to grasp a taste of our community.

Personal Statement

When writing your personal statement, make sure that your past achievements and future goals correlate with your desired programme.

Juan Pablo

Headshot of Juan

Keep your BRP safe

Don't lose your BRP, it will take you around 2 months, 40 pounds and 1 visa services appointment to get a new one

Make friends from around the world

You will learn about their culture and how healthcare is provided in other countries

Listen to guest speakers

Attend as many of the School’s guest speaker lectures which are outside of your daily classes, they could help you to find a future job plus give you great case study material for assignments and exams


Assessments tend to add up for the last week of the semester. It is better to organize yourself to do them in time and ask your teachers for guidance when needed

Business Ideas

If you have a business idea, share it with your university mentors, professors, module lead or program director - whoever you feel most comfortable with. They have health sector focused business experience and will give you incredible tips to get your business idea up and running

Be curious

UCL has multiple academic and sport clubs. Join them to expand your knowledge and learn new skills

Be open

All your course mates will have different backgrounds (medical, business, marketing, sciences, and so many more). Not everyone will have the same approach for some classes. Learn from each other and learn from their insights

Enjoy London!

You are in London, enjoy it to the fullest! Go to theatres, art exhibitions, historical buildings, museums and much more.

Kasey Huang

Headshot of Kasey

Tips for ESL Students

ESL learners, it’s time to get ready for the English-teaching world! Acquire plenty of reading materials and don’t forget to speak up in class, trust me, your teacher will love to hear your thoughts! Some of your classmates may be a bit shy but that’s okay, you can be the one to break the silence

Plan your holidays

Holidays are the perfect time to explore the UK and other parts of Europe. Plan your travels well in advance to make the most out of it – there’s so much to see!

Shuizhi Wang

Shuizhi headshot

Utilise UCL resources

There are lots of resources and opportunities in this programme. For example, you can sign up for guest lectures and workshops, get latest knowledge about digital health through health-tech events. Keep an eye on your emails. If you’re interested in specific events, Professors can help you out.

Assignments and Projects

This is a tough one! You will need to put in effort before, during, and after classes. It’s challenging but worthwhile to finish readings and work with course mates from different backgrounds and countries.

Work life balance

London is a great place to explore. There are lots of exhibitions, events, museums and so on, as well as delicious foods from around the world. You should not miss them! Try checking out Eventbrite to find tickets for events near you. More often than not, lots of the events are event free to attend!

Olu Moradeyo

Leverage your professors

They're highly skilled experts in their field and the best source for information on topics you're interested in.

Hard work is key

Surrounded by highly motivated and intelligent peers, the bar is constantly set high. Stay sharp to stand out.

Self care

The 1-year master's program is intense, so remember to take breaks, savour life's simple pleasures, and prioritize self-care.