
Global Business School for Health


Spotlight on MSc student Sam Ajami: journey and career prospects

20 July 2023

Discover our MSc student Sam Ajami's career path in the feature. We interviewed Sam and highlighted his experience and progress, providing insight for prospective students.


Student Name: Sam Ajami

Programme: MSc Digital Health and Entrepreneurship
Nationality:  British/Iranian

Education:  BSc Medical Biochemistry at the University of Manchester

Tell me more about your background – It would be great to find out more about your education and career so far.

I'm currently working part-time as an associate for an investment fund. My education and career before my master’s were aimed more towards pure science and academic research, with a degree in medical biochemistry and numerous internships and work experiences in academia. Towards the end of my degree, I found myself wanting to explore my entrepreneurial side, and I quickly realised that a mix of science and business, coupled with my interest in health and medical technology, was how I wanted to proceed.

Why did you choose to apply for this programme?

I came across UCL GBSH while searching for master’s programmes and luckily came across the MSc Digital Health and Entrepreneurship, which, as I read more and more about it, proved to be exactly what I was looking for. Having spoken with the course lead, Prof Adam Dubis, I was confident that applying for this course was the right choice. 

What aspect of this programme are you most excited by?

Upon applying, I looked forward to learning from leaders in the industry and meeting my peers who share my passion. 

Is there a particular area of Digital Health and Entrepreneurship that you are interested in? If so, why?

Due to my longstanding passion for sports, I have a personal interest in health technology aimed at sports and fitness, much of which I have been exposed to throughout the duration of my course. More recently, digital health for neurodivergence has also peaked my interest. 

How did your studies at GBSH contribute to your ability to secure your current position?

My course at GBSH provided me with a wealth of connections and valuable skills to boast to possible employers and crucially granted me a thorough understanding of the digital health landscape.

Could you share the types of career support you received while at GBSH and how specifically these resources or initiatives have contributed to your career progression?

Predominantly my support has come from the networking made possible by my lecturers. They have been extremely helpful in opening their networks to us, and this has made it possible for me to grow my network and discover opportunities.

Can you share a specific course during your MSc that you feel was instrumental in preparing you for your current role?
Digital Health Start-Ups with Hassan and Masood was a standout module. This truly aided me in understanding how to effectively evaluate a company and provide relevant insights to a number of different possible interested parties. 

Could you share any memorable experiences from your MSc programme that have had a lasting impact on your career?

Attending conferences with my peers and being shown around by our lecturers was truly eye-opening to the importance of networking in this industry and, crucially, how important human skills are, in addition to business acumen.

How did your MSc degree from GBSH give you an edge in the competitive job market?

Partly being attached to such a noteworthy institution is certainly impressive, and additionally, having been taught and mentored by true trailblazers of the industry has meant our skillset is extremely broad. 

How has your career trajectory been influenced by your time studying at GBSH?

In all honestly, I didn't really have a career trajectory before. I knew which industry I wanted to be in, but wasn't sure where I would fit in. The course Digital Health at GBSH showed me the range of options for me and where my skills are. This led me to the world of investment.

Can you describe any challenges you faced during your job search and how your training at GBSH helped you overcome them?

Rejection is always tough. But more importantly, knowing that you have to start somewhere, especially for me, who came straight from undergrad with limited experience, I had to accept that not all positions would be appropriate for me.

What value do you feel your programme will add to your career moving forward?

My MSc will serve as the foundation of my journey in the digital health space and has provided me with industry experts, many of whom I look to as mentors. 

What advice do you have for current and prospective students looking to secure a rewarding job placement after graduation?

  • Network from day 1.
  • Find a part-time position from day 1.
  • Don't be afraid to apply to jobs you think are out of your reach.
  • Also, know your skillset.

Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently during your time at GBSH to improve your career prospects further?

I would have done all the things I mentioned above hahahah!!!

What are your long-term career goals? How does your MSc from GBSH, along with your current work, align with these goals?

I would like to have my own company at some point, something which I have conceived. But for the near future, I want to expose myself to as much of the industry as possible, and through the investment world, I have a great chance to do so. 

What advice would you give to prospective students thinking about applying for your programme?

  • Come equipped with questions from day 1
  • Take advantage of the non-academic aspect of the course, too (meet people!)
  • Start thinking about what you want to get from the course from the get-go