
Global Business School for Health


Nurturing Healthy Friendships: The Key to Mental Well-being

31 May 2023

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, our GBSH Social Media Ambassador, Rida Peerzada, shares the significance of strong friendships in maintaining and improving our emotional and mental health.

Nurturing Healthy Friendships: The Key to Mental Well-being

The university experience is a transformative period in our lives, filled with academic pursuits, personal growth, and countless opportunities. Amidst the whirlwind of lectures, assignments, and extracurricular activities, it is crucial not to overlook the significance of cultivating healthy friendships. Moreover, in the hustle and bustle of university life, it's easy to get caught up in academic demands and extracurricular activities while neglecting our mental health.

As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, it's important to reflect on the significance of strong friendships in maintaining and improving our emotional health. There are many ways in which close friendships can improve our lives, from serving as an emotional lifeline to helping us relax. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of healthy friendships and explore strategies to nurture them.

The Power of Connection: Human beings are social creatures by nature. We thrive on connections and relationships with others, and friendships play a pivotal role in our lives. Friendships offer a sense of belonging, support, and understanding, all of which are essential for maintaining good mental health. When we have strong bonds with friends, we feel valued, cared for, and accepted, which can alleviate stress and enhance our overall well-being.

Emotional Support: University life often comes with its fair share of stress, challenges, and moments of self-doubt. Having friends who understand the unique experiences and pressures that come with being a student can provide invaluable emotional support. One of the primary benefits of nurturing healthy friendships is the emotional support they provide. Whether it's talking through problems, seeking advice, or simply venting about a tough day, sharing our thoughts and feelings with trusted friends can help alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, and provide a fresh perspective on our struggles.

Reducing Isolation and Loneliness: Transitioning to university can be overwhelming, especially for those entering a new environment or living away from home. Healthy friendships foster a sense of belonging and create a supportive community that helps combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Loneliness and isolation are significant contributors to poor mental health, especially among international students. Engaging in social activities with friends, such as going for a walk, grabbing a coffee, or attending campus events together, can alleviate feelings of loneliness and create a supportive network that enhances our mental well-being.

Collaboration and Growth: University friendships provide opportunities for collaboration and personal growth. Working together on group projects, studying for exams, or participating in extracurricular activities with friends can lead to enhanced creativity, improved problem-solving skills, and a broader perspective on various subjects. Engaging in meaningful discussions, exchanging ideas, and challenging each other intellectually can contribute to personal and academic growth.

Building Resilience: Life is full of ups and downs and having a strong support system of friends can help us navigate the challenges with greater resilience. Friends can provide encouragement, motivation, and help us see our strengths during difficult times. Through shared experiences, they can also offer different perspectives and coping strategies that enable personal growth and development. Building resilience with the help of friends can empower us to face life's challenges head-on and bounce back stronger.

Tips for Nurturing Healthy Friendships:

  1. Be a good listener: Show genuine interest and attentiveness when your friends are sharing their thoughts and feelings.
  2. Be Approachable: Create an open and welcoming atmosphere that encourages others to initiate conversations and interactions.
  3. Participate in Group Activities: Join clubs, societies, sports teams or online university groups aligned with your interests to meet like-minded individuals and expand your social circle.
  4. Practice empathy: Seek to understand and validate your friends' experiences without judgment or criticism.
  5. Be reliable and trustworthy: Cultivate trust by being dependable and keeping your promises.
  6. Communicate openly: Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly, fostering an environment of trust and understanding.
  7. Show appreciation: Express gratitude and acknowledge your friends' support and presence in your life.
  8. Make time for each other: Prioritize spending quality time together, even during busy periods.
  9. Support each other's well-being: Encourage and motivate your friends to engage in self-care activities and prioritize mental health.
  10. Respect Differences: Embrace diversity and respect differing opinions, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Nurturing healthy friendships is a vital aspect of maintaining good mental health during our university journey. Friendships offer emotional support, combat loneliness, and promote self-care, resilience, and personal growth. As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, let us recognize the profound impact that healthy friendships can have on our overall well-being. Take the time to cherish and nurture the connections you have and remember that supporting your friends' mental health journey is just as important as taking care of your own.