IGH Centres The Institute for Global Health is home to 10 world-leading research centres. The Centre for Climate Change, Migration, Conflict and Health Examining links between global health and climate change, migration and conflict, while examining policy and humanitarian responses to disasters. The Centre for Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Modelling and Evaluation (CREME) Researching disease, epidemiology, health, mental health and the economic impact of public health interventions. The Centre for Clinical Research in Infection and Sexual Health Conducting research to improve the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, particularly sexually transmitted infections, and promote improvements in sexual health. The Centre for Gender and Global Health Addressing the complex relationships between gender norms and health status. The Centre for Global Economics Research and training in economics and decision science, to find pragmatic and sustainable solutions to global health problems. The Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases Research and capacity building for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The Centre for the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents Improving maternal,child and adolescent health. The Centre for Molecular Epidemiology and Translational Research Research into infectious diseases,epidemiological approaches, molecular and 'omic' technologies. The Centre for Population Research in Sexual Health and HIV Researching issues relating to sexual health and STI's The Centre for Pragmatic Global Health Trials Conducting randomised trials to assess the effectiveness of interventions in real-world conditions.