
UCL Global


UCL-Zhejiang University Strategic Partner Funds 2024-25

UCL and ZJU are contributing matching funds to support collaborative education and research initiatives through a joint call for proposals.

The 2024/25 funding call is now closed for applications.

The Office of the Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation, Global Engagement) at University College London (UCL) and the Office of Global Engagement at Zhejiang University (ZJU) are contributing matching funds to support collaborative education and research initiatives through a joint call for proposals for the development of collaborative activities.


This call invites research proposals in areas of mutual interest and complementary strengths that will strengthen the partnership between UCL and ZJU. 

The initiative seeks to build on existing links and stimulate new ones between UCL and ZJU. Successful applicants will clearly outline in their proposal a specific project or joint research activity that they would like to explore with their ZJU counterpart.

Proposals from all fields are welcome but we particularly encourage projects in the areas aimed at addressing and mitigating challenged relating to:

•    Carbon neutrality (e.g. Climate Change, Sustainable Construction, Clean Waste)
•    Health and Wellbeing (e.g. informatics / Data-driven Brain Sciences, Global / Public Health)
•    Proposals relating to one or more of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Up to four joint projects will be selected for funding. Proposals will be assessed by a committee composed of members from both institutions.


Applications are open to UCL staff members with the following roles: 

•    Professor or equivalent 
•    Associate Professor / Reader or equivalent 
•    Senior Lecturer / Principal Researcher / Principal Research Associate or equivalent
•    Lecturer / Senior Research Associate or equivalent
•    Post Doc / Researcher / Research Associate or equivalent


•    Applicants from UCL must have an open-ended UCL contract or a fixed-term contract which lasts until at least July 2025.
•    Applicants are not required to have a doctorate to apply but do need to hold a role at one of the levels described above. 
•    PhD students are not eligible to apply but their involvement in the delivery of the project – for example as research assistants or interns - is encouraged.
•    UCL Professional Service & VP Office staff are not eligible to apply but can take part in the project where this supports its aims and objectives.  
•    Principal Investigators from UCL should be aware of changes made to the 2024/25 GE Partner Fund process relating to the number of applications that can be submitted per Investigator across all calls, the number of awards that can received, and eligibility for award holders from the 23/24 round. See further detail in the information text box of the Partner Funds webpage here.  

Value and duration

Up to four successful proposals will receive up to £15,000. Funding will be jointly provided by UCL and ZJU, with 50% going to the academic at each respective institution. 


Call for Proposals:               16 September 2024
Deadline for Submission:    11.59pm (UK Time) 16 October 2024


If you have any questions about the UCL-ZJU Strategic Partner Funds, please contact:

Zhou Kuang
Global Engagement Manager

Zhejiang University:
Senior Manager, Global Engagement