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15 years of The Dual Masters in Brain and Mind Sciences

An event celebrating the 15-year anniversary of the Dual Masters in Brain and Mind Sciences. Part of the Cities partnership Programme.

15 September 2022

2020 marked 15 years since the Dual Masters in Brain and Mind sciences was opened for applications with the first students starting in the 2006/7 academic year.

The Dual Masters in Brain and Mind sciences is an international programme offered by three of Europe's most prestigious centres of research and teaching in cognitive studies and neuroscience: UCL, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (part of Sorbonne University), and Ecole Normale Supérieure. This Masters' course is a two-year multi-disciplinary programme, aiming to provide a broad education in the neurosciences and cognitive sciences, in addition to a first-class research experience. The first year is spent studying in London and the second year in Paris.

As part of the Cities Partnerships programme with Paris we will organize a one-day meeting in Paris. This meeting will be in part a celebration of 15 years of this unique Masters' course and in part a vital opportunity to hear from past and present students to learn from their experiences to make sure that this course still attracts and produces excellent students.


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