
Governance and compliance


Nominations Committee

Find out more about UCL's Nominations Committee, including terms of reference, membership, meetings and minutes.

On this page you will find:

Terms of Reference

Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by Council, the Nominations Committee is charged by Council:

  1. To consider the filling of vacancies for appointed external members of Council and to make recommendations to Council thereon, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant UCL Statutes and Regulations for Management.
  2. To recommend to Council, if the Nominations Committee sees fit, that a vacancy or vacancies for external members on Council remain unfilled.
  3. In the case of external members completing their first or second three-year term of office on Council, to consider whether to recommend to Council that such members should be invited to accept a second term or, where the Nominations Committee considers that Council continues to require the particular experience and expertise of the external member concerned, a third three-year term.
  4. To keep under continuous review the overall profile of the membership of Council.
  5. To consider the filling of vacancies for external members nominated by Council on all other standing committees and any sub-committees of such standing committees as their constitutions may require of UCL the constitution of which provides for such members, in consultation with those standing and sub-committees as Nominations Committee sees fit, and to make recommendations to Council thereon (except for the filling of vacancies on Nominations Committee, which shall be referred direct to Council for consideration).
  6. To keep under review the length of service of external members on UCL committees generally.
  7. To report to Council by submission to Council of an annual report.


  • The quorum of the Nominations Committee shall be half of the total members of the Committee. 
  • The number in ( ) indicates length of continuous service in years, up to and including the 2023-24 session. Length of service is not indicated for ex officio, student members, or observers.

Ex Officio

Chair of Council (Chair)
Victor Chu

President and Provost
Dr Michael Spence

Vice-Chair of Council
Dominic Blakemore


Appointed Members of the Committee shall remain members for a period of three consecutive years, and, provided that they remain members of Council, shall be eligible for reappointment for a second or further period not exceeding three years.

The quorum of the Nominations Committee shall be half of the total members of the Committee.

Two Appointed Members of Council, appointed by Council

  • Sarah Whitney (1)
  • Vacancy

Two academic staff members of Council, appointed by Council

  • Dr Alun Coker (1)
  • Professor Helen Roberts (4)

One of the Students' Union Representatives on Council

  • Shaban Chaudhary


  • Olivia Whiteley

Scheduled meeting dates: 2024-25

The copy deadlines quoted are the latest dates by which the final papers must be received by the secretary.

  • Thursday 10 October 2024, 9.00am (copy deadline 26 September)
  • Monday 10 February 2025, 9.00am (copy deadline 27 January)
  • Friday 2 May 2025, 9.00am (copy deadline 18 April)