
Governance and compliance


Work Health and Safety Committee: Terms of Reference

Information regarding the UCL Work Health and Safety Committee's formal powers and responsibilities.

Terms of Reference

The WHSC is constituted in accordance with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (1977) as amended by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1992) and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations (1996).

Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by the University Management Committee, the Work Health and Safety Committee is charged by UMC:

  1. To provide oversight of the management of the workplace health, safety and welfare risk, and to ensure continuous improvement. This includes the review and sustainability of:
  • policy, procedure and guidance
  • safety training
  • communication
  • publicity (including safety campaigns)
  1. To set objectives, targets and key performance indicators to improve health and safety management;
  2. To approve policy, standards and strategy for the management of health, safety and welfare at work within UCL and compliance with health and safety legislative and other requirements;
  3. To provide a forum for consultation and discussion between UCL Management and Union-appointed health and safety representatives on health and safety matters, including any reports they wish to submit;
  4. To approve the establishment of specialist sub-committees with competent members in specific risk areas;
  5. To receive items of significance from, and the Minutes of, such specialist committees or other groups with responsibility for health and safety-related matters as WHSC may set up and/or which operate under the aegis of the WHSC;
  6. To provide oversight of sub-committee actions and to ensure that they are fully integrated in the UCL health and safety management system;
  7. To review all the interaction with regulatory authorities relating to health and safety including reports and factual information provided by inspectors of enforcing authorities appointed under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974;
  8. To monitor progress against objectives, targets, plans and remedial actions, and determine actions necessary to address areas of non-compliance where there is significant risk;
  9. To monitor and review the adequacy and implementation of UCL arrangements, including training and safety and health communication and publicity within UCL;
  10. To review safety performance indicators, investigations of significant failures, independent inspection and audit reports and associated remedial actions;
  11. To refer matters to the UMC as appropriate, including the submission of regular reports to UMC and Council.