Social Justice for Women Migrants and Refugees
Engaging, communicating and improving access to higher education.
20 May 2017
The project developed a model for collaboration between the UCL community and London-based charities working with women refugees and migrants, synthesising the expertise of these groups to design a programme aimed at strengthening access to higher education for women who are refugees or forced migrants.
The project involved three stages:
- Meeting with potential course participants in two refugee charities to find out about their backgrounds/interests and then a return visit to present a draft course outline.
- Recruitment and training of UCL student volunteers to deliver the course
- The course itself, with over 20 participants, that consisted of 7 sessions: initial 1-1 or small group advice and support sessions; preparation for a trip; trips to the Migration Museum and the National Gallery; two sessions to plan a presentation based on the trip; and final presentations.
Building on the discussions in the sessions, which demonstrated participants' interest and knowledge about issues related to migration, members of the project team successfully bid for a Beacon Bursary award to build knowledge with women from the two partner organisations.
Another significant outcome of the project was the opportunity for members of Lewisham Migrant and Refugee Network and the Helen Bamber Foundation to build links with UCL, to learn about educational opportunities in London, and to reflect on the experience of migration in London and the UK.