
UCL Grand Challenges


'Moving Borders - Comparative Perspectives on Refuge' conference held

11 June 2016

In June 2016, students on the Global Migration Msc held a successful one day conference 'Moving Borders - Comparative Perspectives on Refuge' which was supported by the UCL Grand Challenges Student Project Fund.

The conference was opened by a keynote from Maurice Wren, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council who powerfully put into context the implications of the current refugee crisis in Europe. Four panels followed, each chaired by UCL Msc students and comprising student speakers from institutions in London and beyond.

The panels focused on

  1. Voices and Images
  2. Approaches to Reception
  3. Health and Generation
  4. Issues of Refugee Agency.

The conference proved an inspiring and informative window into contemporary debates about refugees showcasing cutting edge research on refugee experiences and initiatives and providing the UCL Global Migration Msc students with valuable experience in organising and chairing an academic conference.

The student conference was organised in partnership with UCL's Refuge in a Moving World Network led by the Migration Research Unit which is based in the Department of Geography.

> Moving Borders conference pdf