
UCL Hazard Centre



A brief history, activity and impact of the centre.

2006. The UCLHC co-ordinated the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) – Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Science and Policy Interface for Disaster Reduction (SPIDER) Network, which re-evaluated the role of science in disaster management and engaged with end-users of that science.

2007. Tropical Storm Risk, an arm of the UCLHC that predicts and maps tropical storm activity worldwide, helped save thousands of lives in Bangladesh during cyclone Sidr. 

2008. The UCLHC established an innovative partnership between UCL and the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) to collaborate on disaster risk reduction and adaptation to environmental change.

2009. The UCLHC convened the highly successful UCL conference on Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice. Building upon presentations at the conference, a book was later published under the title Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction: Putting Research into Practice.

2012. The UCLHC became an invited academic member of the Bond Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group, which is the UK membership body for NGOs working in international development.

2012. The UCLHC initiated a programme to increase engagement between academia, re/insurance business and humanitarian and development agencies to enhance disaster risk reduction, response and relief. The theme and report for this programme are found here.