
UCL Health


Research Themes

Our research can be grouped into three main areas: 

Supporting People

Supporting people with knowledge and information to enable help-seeking for new symptoms, and to make informed decisions about participation in current and new forms of cancer screening.

Supporting Professionals

Supporting professionals to assess cancer risk, based on their patients’ symptoms and test history, and by proactively following-up patients when their symptoms continue to persist or change after initial consultation.

Supporting Policymakers

Supporting policymakers by measuring progress towards earlier diagnosis, and assessing the expected population health benefit and value-for-money considerations relating to new screening options and diagnostic tests, to help prioritise different options for implementation. 

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Research Partners 

We are a multidisciplinary multi-institutional collaboration of investigators working at the Universities of Cambridge, Leicester, Oxford, Surrey and UCL. 


Uni of Cambridge logo
Uni of Lei
Uni of Oxford logo
Uni of Surrey logo
ucl logo

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