
UCL Hebrew & Jewish Studies


A birthday with uncertainty: RNL Evr Arab I 4816

Dr Nadia Vidro is back with Cambridge University Library's Fragment of the Month for July 2024

RNL Evr Arab I 4816 fol. 205 recto from the Collections of the National Library of Russia

20 August 2024

A birthday with uncertainty: RNL Evr Arab I 4816 


Dr Nadia Vidro


The text describes the birth record of David ha-Levi, noting the unusual mention of uncertainty regarding the exact date. This uncertainty, expressed in Hebrew as על דרך פוגה, is linked to the Qaraite Jewish calendar, which relied on lunar observations and the state of barley crops in Palestine to determine months and years. This method often led to ambiguities, especially in the Diaspora, where timely information was hard to obtain. The text suggests that David’s birth date uncertainty likely pertains to the month rather than the day, due to the complexities of the Qaraite calendar system.


Vidro, Nadia. 2024. "A birthday with uncertainty: RNL Evr Arab I 4816 " Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit.