


Raul Burgos Pinto

Raul came to London from Valparaiso, Chile, where he obtained his BA and MA in History. He is interested in the intellectual and cultural history of Chile and Latin America during the twentieth century, with a particular focus on Chilean conservatism and its role in shaping ideas about national identity. He holds a doctoral scholarship given by the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).

Raul's thesis studies conservatism in Chile between the 1930s and 1970s from a transnational perspective, analysing the role played by different scholars in the development of a wider conservative discourse. By looking at 'external dynamics' during the interwar and the Cold War period, transnational intellectual networks and a wide range of magazines, newspapers, and personal papers that acted as spaces of cultural exchange, his project seeks to understand conservatism as a cultural and transnational phenomenon beyond the borders of the nation state.


Supervisor: Nicola Miller (first supervisor); Thom Rath (second supervisor)
Working title: 'Beyond Nostalgia: Transnational Conservatism in Chile, 1932-1973'
Expected completion date: 2019


  • 'La discusión cívica y moralizadora en el discurso anticomunista de la derecha conservadora chilena, 1932-1938.' Historia Crítica, n. 61, 2016.
  • 'Reflexiones en torno a la política chilena a mediados del siglo XIX: partidos políticos y la Iglesia católica.' Historia 396, n. 2, 2016 (co-author).
  • 'Aproximaciones a la construcción del anticomunismo en la derecha política conservadora en Chile, 1941-1948.' Estudos Ibero-Americanos, v. 40, n. 2, 2014, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2014.2.18280

Book reviews

  • "Harmer, Tanya; Riquelme, Alfredo (eds.), Chile y la Guerra Fría global. Santiago, RIL Editores, 2014". Revista de Estudios Sociales, n. 53, 2015, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7440/res53.2015.16
  • "Bastías, Manuel, Sociedad civil en dictadura. Relaciones transnacionales, organizaciones y socialización política en Chile. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2013". Revista de Indias, v. 75, n. 263, 2015.
  • "Torres Dujisin, Isabel, La crisis del sistema democrático: las elecciones presidenciales y los proyectos políticos excluyentes. Chile 1958-1973. Santiago, Editorial Universitaria, 2014". Historia 396, v. 4, n. 2, 2014.

Conference papers and presentations

  • 'Beyond Nostalgia: Conservatism in Chile from a Transnational Perspective, 1930-1970', Seminar of Contemporary History, Institute of History, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, May 2017
  • 'Defending a Conservative Alternative: The Role of History in Chilean National Identity', III Annual Conference: Borders and Bridges, Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Americas, UCL Americas Research Network, University College London, May 2017
  • 'Transnational Conservatism in Chile, 1932-1973', Research Training Seminar, UCL History, December 2016

Blog posts

Teaching 2018-19 (postgraduate teaching assistant)

  • History of Latin America c.1830-c.1930