
UCL Human Resources


Exit survey guidance

This guidance outlines UCL's approach to exit surveys.


Scope and purpose

1. UCL asks all employees to complete a 5 question online exit survey when they leave. The purpose of the exit survey is:

  • to identify why employees leave UCL and take action where appropriate;
  • enable UCL to provide accurate data to the Higher Education Statistics Agency regarding our staff. 

Online exit survey process

 2.  Once the department has submitted a leaver notification to HR Services, HR Services will process the instruction and provide a leaver letter to the employee. The leaver letter will contain a link to the online survey, with an explanation of the access codes required to enter the system. 

  1. Leavers will be asked the following 5 questions:
  • Their main reason for leaving
  • Other reasons which contributed to their decision to leave
  • Whether they recommend UCL as a good place to work
  • What they are going to do next (type of employer / retire etc)
  • Which country they will be based in next
  1. The exit survey data will be gathered and stored confidentially, in accordance with Data Protection requirements and the UCL Retention Schedule.  
  2.  Once a year a report will be produced by Faculty / Division aggregating the responses in an anonymous format. 

Optional local department exit survey.

  1. In addition, a department may wish to gather more in-depth, locally based information and feedback about an employee's experience within the department, using a department exit survey.
  2. The department exit survey can be sent to leavers by a department administrator with responses collated and aggregated once a year and anonymised for consideration by management. 
  3. Departmental exit survey data must be gathered and stored confidentially, in accordance with Data Protection requirements and the UCL Retention Schedule.  


Until an optional departmental exit survey is finalised, if a department is considering introducing a local exit survey, they can check their draft content with Barbara Robertson b.robertson@ucl.ac.uk our Employment Policy Advisor.  


HR Employment Policy Team
September 2023