
UCL Human Resources


Resources to support annual appraisals

Materials, guidance and e-learning to support the annual appraisal process.

Appraisals should be managed in a fair, inclusive, and consistent way. A range of policies, guidance, and templates are available to support the process. 

UCL appraisal forms and policy

Appraisal e-learning/resources

We are in the process of updating our appraisal resources and expect these to be available later in the year.

Overview of the appraisal process

A quick explanation of how appraisals work at UCL and what you can expect as an appraisee.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/cBjD3FFD

Preparing for your appraisal

 Guidance for appraisees on how to prepare for the annual appraisal to get the most out of the meeting. 

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/hjGgeeI6

Preparing for an appraisal with a member of your team

 Guidance for managers on how to prepare for an annual appraisal with a team member to make the most of the meeting. 

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/9D4A3Ac3

Setting goals with the 4D model

An explanation of UCL's '4D' goal setting model and how to start thinking about your 4D goals for the year

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/1ig1J9C0

Guide to effective goal setting

How to set goals as part of a developmental conversation with your line manager using the GROW model.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/aD7I0Jgd


Career conversation guidance


The importance of appraisals and one-to-one conversations (Leaders)

Matthew Blain talks about the importance of having an annual appraisal with everyone in your team and supporting them with regular one-to-one meetings throughout the year.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/ED2Def1I

Tips for having effective one-to-one conversations with your team members

Regular one-to-one conversations with your team members are an essential part of managing your team effectively. Donna Dalrymple offers some tips for getting the most out of this important investment of your time.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/828I7a9j

How to handle difficult conversations with confidence and compassion

Nobody likes to have difficult conversations but they are an unavoidable part of being a manager. Donna Dalrymple offers some tips for tackling these conversations constructively and respectfully.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/Ijj6j9a9

Making inclusion an integral part of effective performance in your team

Lacara Barnes-Rowe talks about the importance of making inclusion part of our day-to-day practice and an explicit element in the way we measure performance. 

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/gd6Ici9G

Sponsorship techniques for leaders and allies

Lacara Barnes-Rowe shares some practical sponsorship techniques for leaders and allies who may want to support specific members of their team who are doing excellent work but may be marginalised or experience inequality. 

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/6iHIajjG


Videos from the UCL lab leaders series

Appraisal Conversations

A video interview with Rosemary Varley, Head of UCL Language and Cognition. 

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/player/7g0BcFBb

Appraisal Conversations - what a great one looks like

A video interview with Courtenay Norbury, Professor of Developmental Language and Communication Disorders.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/63i3D4b2


Web resources to support appraisal