
UCL Human Resources


Richard Laughlin

Head of Organisational Development 

Richard joined UCL in September 2010 after time spent working in banking, social care and in a self-employed learning and development capacity. Initially working as an Organisational Development Consultant, he progressed to his current role in mid-2016 and currently leads UCL’s HR Organisational Development team. In this role he is responsible for UCL’s DocSkills Programme, the Professional Development Programme and the Research Staff Development Programme, as well as a range of leadership development and consultant-led development activities.

Creating an environment in which all can learn is central to Richard’s vision for organisational development at UCL and underpins the work he is leading to transform UCL’s capacity to do so over the next three years. This includes creating new frameworks to support the university’s leadership and learning provision as well as the courses and materials to do so.

Outside of work Richard is a keen walker and watcher of films and enjoys time spent in the garden digging holes and growing things!