
UCL Human Resources


Salary Advances

In exceptional circumstances, UCL has the capacity to offer a salary advance to help staff with a critical need.

UCL provides the facility to Contract Research Staff of an advance of one month's net salary repayable over 6 months or during the period of employment if this is less than 6 months, in order to assist with the costs associated with taking up a new appointment. This must be requested within the first month of employment. Other schemes, administered by the Finance Division, include assistance with relocation expenses.

In addition to the above, cases arise from time to time in which it is reasonable to exercise discretion and allow an advance of salary to meet an urgent need on the part of an individual member of staff.

However the increase in the number of requests for advances of salary being received suggests that the presumption is being made that a general facility to give advances of pay is available. Your attention is drawn, therefore, to the following points regarding advances:

  • there is no entitlement to an advance of salary or to a loan (other than as provided for in existing schemes).
  • before an approach is made to the UCL, staff must have exhausted other avenues of assistance.
  • UCL can only give assistance in the most exceptional of circumstances and whether assistance is given is a matter wholly at UCL's discretion.
  • all requests for assistance are to be referred to the UCL's Head of Payroll.
  • examples of circumstances in which assistance might be given include the death of close family and unexpected loss resulting from some unforeseen event such as a robbery or accident.
  • factors which would be taken into account when considering cases include the length of service; whether time away from work might be lost; and the frequency with which assistance is sought in the case of a particular individual.
