
UCL Institute for Human Rights


IHR forthcoming series of events autumn 2024

17 September 2024

The Institute of Human Rights would like to announce their forthcoming series of events for the autumn term of 2024-2025.

Picture of a calendar

The Institute of Human Rights would like to announce their forthcoming series of events for the autumn term 2024-2025.  

  • 1 October 2024, 6pm (Laws): Human Rights Challenges for the New Government (starting event showcasing expertise across two departments)

On 1 October the UCL Institute for Human Rights will host a discussion on the human rights challenges facing the new Labour Government. A panel of UCL experts from Laws and the Department of Political Science will address the recent developments in human rights and analyse what challenges lie ahead for the new Government, including in areas such as migration, equality and workers’ rights, atrocity response, and finally, the UK’s future relationship with the European Convention on Human Rights.

Professor Philip Ayoub - UCL Department of Political Science, Professor of International Relations 
Dr Kate Cronin-Furman - UCL Department of Political Science, Associate Professor in Human Rights 
Professor Virginia Mantouvalou - UCL Laws, Professor of Human Rights and Labour Law
Professor George Letsas - UCL Laws, Professor of Philosophy of Law 

More information and tickets

  • 8 October 2024, 6pm (Laws): Book Launch - Human Rights at Work

Can workers ever be fairly dismissed because of their political views or their controversial posts on social media? Should employees be entitled to refuse to conform to an employer’s dress code or perform part of their job on the ground that it would be contrary to their religious or moral beliefs?  Can it ever be right for an employer to dismiss someone for personal activities undertaken in their leisure time? What restrictions, if any, should be placed on the right to strike?  Is there a fundamental right to fair pay and what does it require?

The book presents an original perspective on the traditional topics of employment law by suggesting that the whole field of labour law can be understood not as based on considerations of general welfare or market failure but as grounded in the vindication of human rights in the special context of work.  

A distinguished panel will discuss the new book and provide critical insights.

Dr Joe Atkinson - University of Southampton
Professor Keith Ewing - King’s College London
Professor Kate O’Regan - Director of the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford

Hon Mrs Justice Jennifer Eady DBE - High Court Judge, President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal

More information and tickets

  • 16 October 2024, 6pm (SPP): War and Accountability

On 16 October the UCL Institute of Human Rights will host a discussion on war and accountability. Touching on developments in different conflicts zones, the panel will address how accountability can be pursued in different contexts and analyse how achievable it is. 

Mark Lattimer - The Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights 
Dr Rod Abouharb - UCL Department of Political Science, Associate Professor
Dr Priya Urs - ELAC, Oxford, Junior Research Fellow

More information and tickets

  • 12 November 2024, 6pm (Laws): Remedies and Human Rights

On 12 November the UCL Institute of Human Rights will host a discussion on remedies in human rights law. The speakers will analyse the recent developments in the law of reparations, especially in the context of the Ukraine war and climate change, as well as touch on new case law coming out of the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 

Professor Colm O’Cinneide - UCL Laws, Professor of Human Rights 
Edward Perez - UCL Laws, Phd Student 
Professor Veronika Fikfak - UCL SPP, Professor of Human Rights and International Law 


  • 28 November 2024, 6pm (SPP): Good Victims: A Book Talk with Roxani Krystalli

On 28 November the UCL Institute of Human Rights will host a discussion of the recently published Good Victims : The Political as a Feminist Question by Roxani Krystalli. 


For more information on the forthcoming events, please check the Events feed/section.