
Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


What Would Leadership in Copyright Policy Look Like?

03 April 2012, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

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UCL Institute of Brand and Innovation Law (IBIL)




The Hargreaves Review bemoaned the prevalence of lobbynomics and the tendency of policy-driven evidence-making, instead of evidence-driven policy-making. When politicians talk about being leaders, what does it mean to lead when policy is not based on evidence? Who is leading who?

At a lively UCL Institute for Brand and Innovation Law (IBIL) Brands Seminar held on 3 April, William F Patry, Chief Copyright Counsel, Google Inc. discussed the issues and the current state of play on copyright with The Rt Hon Prof Sir Robin Jacob of UCL Laws, who chaired the event. A copyright lawyer for 30 years, Bill Patry previously served as copyright counsel to the US House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary and as a Policy Planning Advisor to the Register of Copyrights. He is also a prolific writer on copyright. He offered his frank and far-reaching expertise on US and international copyright issues to the UCL audience in attendance.

For more info: 
IPKat Event Blog Part I
IPKat Event Blog Part II