


Paris: All-Cause Mortality

In Paris, there were 81,125 deaths from all causes over the study period (2004 - 2009).  This figure consists of 38,600 male deaths and 42,525 female deaths and is based on data from the Mortality Registry from the City Council of Paris. 

Excess all-cause mortality is highest in the North-East of Paris, as shown by the concentration of dark brown areas east of the Seine River.  High sSMRs are also found in a few Southern outskirts of Paris.  Although the geographical distribution of all-cause mortality risk is by and large similar by gender, some distinctions are visible.  The sSMR distribution among men suggests an East-West divide that is less apparent in the sSMR distribution among women.  The sSMR map of male all-cause mortality estimates low sSMRs (shown in green tones) across many parts of Western Paris, compared to a wide number of areas demonstrating high sSMRs (shown in brown tones) in Eastern Paris.  This pattern is not demonstrated in the female sSMR map, as shown by the large number of areas with high and low sSMRs located in either region of the city. 

For further information about how these maps were created, please visit the methodological section of the Atlas.  Click on each image for a full-screen view of the maps below.


Smoothed Standardised Mortality Ratio (sSMR)

Density Function of sSMR

Probability that sSMR is Higher than 100


Smoothed Standardised Mortality Ratio (sSMR)

Density Function of sSMR

Probability that sSMR is Higher than 100