
Information Studies


KIDS Events

We regularly organise research talks to present our research and invite external speakers to present their research to our group.

Recent KIDS Research Talks

  • KIDS group presentation, 14 December 2023, 1-2pm (zia Zoom)
  • Dr. George Konstantinidis, 18 January 2023, 1-2pm (via Zoom)
  • Prof. Mike Joy, 8 February 2023, 1-2pm (via Zoom)
  • Dr. Daniel Onah, 17 May 2023, 1-2pm (via Zoom)
  • Dr. Laura Toni: Graph signal processing for machine learning: a water leakage use case (November 2022)
  • Prof. Wenying Shou: Testing Dependence between Time Series (October 2022)
  • Prof. Maria Liakata: Personalised Longitudinal Natural Language Processing (May 2022)
  • Dr. Fabio D' Asaro: Probabilistic Reasoning about Actions (March 2022)
  • Dr. Federico Nanni: Breaking (the?) News in the Nineteenth Century (February 2022)
  • Dr. Theodore Patkos: Socio-Cognitive Logic-based Agents (November 2021)
  • Dr. Patrice Caire: Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics: What are they and why do they matter? (November 2021)
  • Dr. Jim Ang: HCI for digital health (October 2021)