
Information Studies


UCL DIS short courses

Many of the modules from our taught programmes can be taken as a short course. There are no formal requirements for admission, although education to GCE A Level or first degree standard is generally expected. For some modules, specific experience might also be required, which would be discussed if you applied.

How much time commitment is required?

Each module is taught in the course of a single term, either Term 1: October to December, or Term 2: January to March. Please click here for details of UCL term dates.

Depending on the module, classes, lectures, seminars and field visits may occupy either a half day or a whole day each week. Classes are normally held from 10.00 to 13.00 or 14.00 to 17.00. In addition, time should be allowed for private study and for completion of coursework. Lectures are normally held on UCL's main site in Gower Street, London WC1; field visits and practical sessions may involve travel to other central London locations.

Do students on short courses take an assessment and obtain a qualification?

Short course students can choose whether or not to take the formal assessment for the module. Assessment normally takes the form of one or more pieces of written coursework. Short course students do not obtain a recognised qualification from UCL, but can be issued with a certificate of attendance as evidence that they have studied the module(s) of their choice.

How much does it cost?

The fee for a single module short course for UK and EU residents is £750, payable at the start of the module. If your normal place of residence is outside the EU, the fee is £1,000.

How many modules can I take as short courses?

If space is available, we allow one or two to be taken. If you are interested in taking more modules than that, we advise applying for a formal UCL qualification instead - a certificate, diploma or MA.

Does taking a short course allow for a study visa/CAS number?

No. To take a short course, you need to already have the right to enter and stay in the UK.

Which modules can be taken?

We have a list of all DIS modules here. Modules are always offered as short courses on a case by case basis, depending on room available, teaching plans for the year etc. If you are interested, please complete a short course application form and e-mail it to: ian.evans@ucl.ac.uk. He will speak to the module tutor re. the possibility of accepting an additional, short course student. Ian Evans will also be happy to answer any questions you have.

Is there a deadline for applications?

Applications for short courses can be submitted at any time, up until the first lecture.

When are places confirmed?

Because preference needs to be given to UCL students it isn't possible to confirm short course places until 2-3 weeks before the first lecture. You can of course enquire at any time and you will then be contacted when confirmation can be given.