
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)



The goal of the network is to create a space for academics & students from across the university whose research relates to China, to share their work & promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

The network has affiliated staff and students from across UCL. If you would like to be involved please email lucy.stagg@ucl.ac.uk

Affiliated staff | Affiliated PhD students

Affiliated staff

  • Lizbeth Bullough (IOE - Learning & Leadership): equality of opportunity and factors which contribute to social inequalities in education. Conducted a Research Report to review publications written in English on Early Childhood Education in the People's Republic of China. 

  • Wolfgang Drechsler (Innovation and Public Purpose): interested in Confucian Public Administration and Governance (with a special interest in Wang Anshi and in Max Weber) and Innovation Policy today.

  • Dorian Fuller (Archaeology): UK Director of the International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology (UCL-PKU).

  • Jin Gao (Information Studies): project lead of the Chinese Export Watercolours (CEW) project. Also part of the Chinese Iconography Thesaurus (CIT) project and the Provenance of Asian Collections (PAC) project in collaboration with the V&A Museum.

  • Yuemei Ji (Slavonic and East European Studies): research is related to the Chinese economy, especially its financial development and debt problems. 

  • Alison Lamont (IOE SRI – Thomas Coram Research Unit): her doctoral work explored how the Chinese state coordinated and understood welfare support for parents and spouses bereaved of children and/or partners during the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. She is currently exploring the position of single women (both in the PRC and the UK, in different projects). 

  • Maurizio Marinelli (Institute for Global Prosperity): research at the crossroads of history, geography, politics, and society, with a specialisation in Global China and urban studies.

  • Zhifu Mi (Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction): researching carbon footprints, pollution and climate change in China.

  • Michael Plouffe (Political Science): examining the ways in which private actors and governments engage in a global economy, with a particular focus on East Asia. Also the effects of China’s growing influence in global politics.

  • Sangaralingam Ramesh (School of Slavonic and East European Studies): Global Economics, including China.

  • Igor Rogelja (European & Intl Social & Political Studies): works on the politics of infrastructure, looking at how grounded, field-work based research can help us understand 'global China' better. An editor at the People's Map of Global China.

  • Anastasiia Rudkovska (European & Intl Social & Political Studies)China and sustainable development

  • Alessandro Spano (Laws): Co-Director of the UCL China Centre for Politics, Law and Culture.

  • Shengxi (Eric) Xin (Bartlett School of Planning): researching socio-spatial governance and planning in China, particularly focusing on the rural development and community governance. 

  • Fangzhu Zhang (Bartlett School of Planning): main interest is on urban development and environmental governance in China. Editor-in-chief of Transactions in Planning and Urban Research, a platform for diverse new inquiries and dialogues on the urban and regional development and planning processes in China.

  • Le-Yin Zhang (Development Planning Unit): researching the management of city economies, low-carbon transitions, and green and municipal finance, using China as a case study thanks to its significance in these areas.

  • Yan Zhu (IOE - Education, Practice & Society): works on Chinese children’s everyday lives and personal relationships, and ethics in research and practices with children and young people in China.

Affiliated PhD students 

  • Penny Barrett (History): Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine.
  • Ruiqi Deng (IOE - Social Research Institute): child gifting-giving practices in rural China.
  • Jiashuo (Gasol) Ding (History): tbc
  • Yichao Du (Anthropology): intersections of Digital Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies. Also work on urban migration and rural development in China.
  • Yu-Chun Kan (Institute of Archaeology): investigating ancient foodways in Northern China through archaeobotany and SEM microscopy. Also, exploring the history of East Asian archaeology within broader socio-political contexts.
  • Ran Li (Institute of Global Health): health system issues, particularly the effective utilization of healthcare resources in China, especially for the aging population.
  • Xiaolin Li (Anthropology): tbc
  • Zehao Li (Institute of Archaeology): Creating a computational comparative model of linear defense system across Eurasia, including the Great Wall of China, mainly using spatial analysis and GIS modelling of archaeological remains.
  • Xin Lin (Institute of Archaeology): Jade in Mesoamerica and Early China
  • Jianqing Lin (School of Slavonic and East European Studies): Digitalization policies and sustainable development: a comparative analysis of Europe and China from macro to mezzo perspectives. 
  • Lang Liu (Political Science): the impact of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative policy on foreign public opinions.
  • Xiangchu Tang (Science and Technology Studies): social understanding of risks of longevity and guanxi practice (online and offline) in modern China.
  • Yun Wang (IOE - Social Research Institute): focuses on Chinese urban dual-earner families with pre-kindergarten child(ren), looking into the impact of intergenerational contract, China's family welfare system, gender division of labour, care relationalities, and commercialised childcare services on  organisation of domestic labour.
  • Deborah Woolf (History): practicing acupuncturist and teacher in Chinese Medicine and philosophy. Currently researching the Tang interpolated chapters of the Huangdi Neijing.
  • Mengci Xiao (Bartlett School of Planning): researching urban conservation discourse via a lens of public participation in China. Also issues of post-growth planning, and cultural tourism in China.
  • Ying Yang (Institute of Archaeology): wood resource utilisation in the mausoleum of China's first emperor - Qin Shi Huang

  • Min You (IOE - Education, Practice & Society): history of female education in East Asia

  • Yawei You (Institute of Archaeology): impact of climate change on archaeological sites in China and surrounding areas

  • Yuqi Zhang (IOE - Education, Practice & Society): educational inequality, social mobility, and market transition in China

  • Yu Zhuang (Institute of Archaeology): history of archaeological fieldwork in late modern Egypt and China c. 1894–1939. Also, broader history of Chinese archaeology and modern Chinese society

  • Zixi Zuo (IOE - Education, Practice & Society): Chinese young people’s mediated intimacy against the backdrop of neoliberalist culture. Uses a pluralistic approach to engage with the complexities and ambivalences of young people’s reconfiguration of gender in everyday life during the covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan China.