
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Townhall Event for Scholars and Students Who Work on Romania Related Research

13 June 2023, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm

Aerial view of Romanian landscape with a church in the foreground

Join this very first townhall event for scholars and students at UCL who work on or are from Romania.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Oana Borlea-Stancioi


IAS Forum, G17
Gower Street
United Kingdom

Please note, due to train strikes on 31 May, this event has been moved to 13 June.

According to the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) website there are currently 370,000 Romanians in the UK. In December of 2022, newspapers and online outlets were touting the results of the latest census, which indicated that Romanian is now the third most spoken language in England and Wales, following a pronounced upwards trajectory since the previous census, in 2011. 

Romanians are now part of a sizeable community and we have a good number as colleagues and students at UCL. There is relevant and thought provoking research on Romania in our various Faculties and Departments and it would be most exciting to find a way to showcase it and build a community around it.

The Townhall event will be an opportunity to get together and see if there are grounds for holding activities that could achieve that. We can discuss more on whom to reach out to, what shape such activities can (or should) take if and how we would like to take this further. Feel free to add any suggestions into this shared document: Suggestions & Resources.docx.

If you cannot come in person or you would rather meet online, you can do so via MS Teams on Friday, 16 June at 2 pm. Please use this link: Click here to join the meeting 

To register for the in-person event or online session, please email Oana Borlea-Stancioi, o.borlea@ucl.ac.uk.

Feel free to bring your own lunch!