
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)



The Centre draws together scholars from a wide range of departments and disciplines, including Archeology, History, Geography, Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Law, and the Bartlett.

Market in Tehran, credit Farzad Mohsenvand via Unsplash
Director | Associated staffPhD students | Visiting Fellows

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The MERC Director is Seth Anziska (Hebrew and Jewish Studies). His research interests are Modern Middle Eastern history, Israeli and Palestinian society and culture, Lebanon, Jewish-Arab encounters in Europe and the Levant, archival practices, visual culture in the contemporary Middle East. 

Associated staff

  • Heba Abd el-Gawad (Archaeology): project researcher for the AHRC funded project: ‘Egypt’s Dispersed Heritage: Views from Egypt’
  • Mai Abu Moghli (Institute of Education): Education in Emergencies, Refugee Education, Human Rights Education. 
  • Muzna Al Masri (Urban Lab): Political practices and clientelism, the intersection of conflict and politics with humanitarian aid and energy, and the production of ethnographic research in turbulent times.
  • Mark Altaweel (Archaeology): Ancient Near East Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Environment and Society in the Near East, Data Science in Archaeology, Mesopotamian History, Connections between the ancient and modern Near East/Middle East.
  • Samer Anabtawi (Political Science): the study of political regimes and social movements in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).       
  • Feryal Awan (IOE - Culture, Communication & Media): The political, cultural and socioeconomic impact of colonialism on children in Palestine and the UK
  • Hanna Baumann (Institute for Global Prosperity, Bartlett): Urbanism, displacement, infrastructure, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon.
  • Gabriela Bazzo (Geography): Works on the Southern Responses to Displacement from Syria project
  • Beverley Butler (Institute of Archaeology): Cultural Heritage, Memory Studies, Heritage and Health.
  • Estella Carpi (Geography, Migration Research Unit): Human displacement, identity politics, humanitarianism, migrations, welfare.
  • Igor Cherstich (Thomas Coram Research Unit): asylum-seekers from North Africa, Anthropology of Islam, Local Articulations of Revolution, Sufism, Ritual Secrecy, Tribal Dynamics, State Surveillance.
  • Alinda Damsma (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Aramaic, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies.
  • Christian Emery (Slavonic and East European Studies): International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis, with a focus on US-Iran relations and Persian Gulf security. 
  • Corisande Fenwick (Institute of Archaeology): Late Antique and Islamic archaeology, history and heritage of North Africa and Middle East. 
  • Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (Geography): Forced migration and conflict-induced displacement; gender, generation and religion; statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Rodrigo Garcia-Velasco (History): Research Fellow- Leverhulme ECF: Documentary Afterlives
  • Mark Geller (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): Ancient Near Eastern languages and texts.
  • Jacopo Gnisci (History of Art) Medieval art and architecture of Africa; Ethiopic, Syriac, Armenian, and Copto-Arabic illuminated manuscripts
  • Eleanore Hargreaves (IOE - Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment) Teacher professional development, children's wellbeing and social justice - experience in primarily Egypt, but also Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Qatar.
  • Christopher Harker (Institute for Global Prosperity): Spatial practices of debt and finance in Palestine.
  • Yağmur Heffron (History): Archaeology of Bronze Age Anatolia, archaeology and social history of religion in the ancient Middle East, integrating texts and archaeology, archaeological labour relations in Turkey.
  • Anne Irfan (Arts & Sciences): Palestinian refugee history and politics, displacement and bordering, Lebanon, modern Middle Eastern history, UN and UNRWA, internationalism, colonialism and postcolonialism, archival suppression.
  • Lily Kahn (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish languages and linguistics. 
  • Neill Lochery (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East Politics, Israeli Politics,  Mediterranean history and politics (Portugal).
  • Ruth Mandel (Anthropology): Transnational migration, ethnicity and identity Turkey, Greece, Germany, Kazakhstan; Post-socialist societies in transition,  Media and International development; Memory and memorialisation in post-Holocaust Europe.
  • Azadeh Mashayekhi (DPU): postcolonial critique of urban studies and specially on political and institutional dynamics of city making practices in the context of the Global South, in particular Middle Eastern cities. 
  • Eva Miller (History): ancient Middle East, the modern West, and the relationship between the two
  • Claudia Näser (Institute of Archaeology): mortuary archaeology of Bronze and Iron Age Egypt and Nubia, the social and political dimensions of archaeological practice, and the decolonisation of this practice.
  • Julie Norman (Political Science): conflict, conflict resolution, human rights, security, social movements, protests, nonviolence/civil resistance, political violence, gendered violence, prisons/detention, refugees, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq.
  • Sara Razai (Judicial Institute, Faculty of Laws):  socio-legal studies of the Middle-East, especially the role and significance of Middle East judiciaries. 
  • Eleanor Robson (History): History of ancient and modern Iraq; the politics of heritage, culture and higher education in Iraq.
  • Maria Rubins (School of Slavonic and East European Studies): modernism, exile and diaspora, national and postnational cultural identities, the interaction between literature and other arts, bilingual and transnational writing, Russian-language literature in Israel, Israeli literature and culture.
  • Fatemeh Sadeghi (Institute for Global Prosperity): cognitive historical procedures enabling individuals/groups to define their identities by collective fantasies, focusing mainly on Islam and Iran
  • Caroline Sandes (Institute for Sustainable Heritage): Archaeology and cultural heritage in (post-)conflict countries, working in Iraq on research & conservation projects for c. 4yrs, and co-director of Living Mesopatamia CIC.
  • Sertaç Sehlikoglu (Institute for Global Prosperity): Self-making, political and ethical imagination, intimacy, gender in the Middle East.
  • Ala’a Shehabi (Institute for Global Prosperity): Energy transitions, rethinking economics, post-oil futures, political economy.
  • Rachael Sparks (Institute of Archaeology): Archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Age Levant; cultural interactions between Egypt and the Southern Levant; materiality of texts; history of archaeological research in 20th century Israel, Palestine and Jordan; archaeological ethics.
  • Branwen Spector (Anthropology): Occupation, colonialism, infrastructure, mobility, social media, security, methodology, Palestine, Israel, the Levant
  • Sacha Stern (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): The ancient, late antique and early medieval Near East, with a special interest in Jewish history, the history of science, and Hebrew and Aramaic literatures.
  • Bugra Susler (Political Science): foreign policy analysis; emerging powers; international conflict and cooperation; Turkey; Middle East;
  • Ali Coşkun Tunçer (History): Economic History of the Middle East with a focus on the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey.
  • Tom Western (Geography): Sound, citizenship, activisms, anticolonialisms, creativities, migrations, and borders.
  • Haim Yacobi (Bartlett Development Planning Unit): (Post)colonial architecture, planning and development in Israel\Palestine, the Middle East and Africa.
  • Nisha Zadhy (Geography): Intersections of refugee studies, critical humanitarianism and gender, with an area focus on Turkey.

PhD students

  • Omar Abolnaga (Bartlett School of Architecture): Informal urbanism, territorial stigmatisation, ʿashwaʾiyyat, urban governance, histories of Cairo, Islamic Architecture, Arab film and pop culture.
  • Nouf Al-mogren (Bartlett Development Planning Unit): Renewable Energy development and deployment in Saudi Arabia.
  • Jumana Al-Waeli (IOE): Refugee Education through the lens of Social Justice. Acculturation and Pedagogical Love.
  • Rasha Assaf (Bartlett Development Planning Unit): Contested Space and Cultural Heritage in World Heritage Cities, and on the relationship between Palestinian identity and heritage construction.
  • Reem Ben Giaber (IOE): Democracy building with Libyan teachers, Peace and Conflict Studies, peacebuilding education. 
  • Nir Ben-Porat (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): The Case of Palestinians in Tel Aviv.
  • Marwa Fakih (Anthropology): YouTube production, film industry, production cultures, nation branding, globalization, and neoliberalism. 
  • Sarah Ferner (Arts & Sciences): The history of and potential for positive encounters between Jews and Muslims in the British diaspora.
  • Matan Flum (Bartlett Development Planning Unit): Middle-Eastern geopolitics through the dialogue between the built environment and "whiteness".
  • Natalie Garland (Institute for Global Prosperity): Dignity in forced migration, critical humanitarianism, Participatory Action Research, Lebanon.
  • Nihal Hafez (Bartlett Development Planning Unit): The politics of heritage in the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular. 
  • Hanadi Samhan (Bartlett Development Planning Unit): The politics of the Vertical in the camps of Palestinian Refugee camps in Lebanon.
  • Joel Stokes (Hebrew and Jewish Studies): A Historical Study of Palestinian Archaeological Agency within the Contested Space. 

MERC Visiting Research Fellows

Kusha Sefat (Visiting Research Fellow, UCL Middle East Research Centre and Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Tehran): brings Science and Technology Studies and, interrelatedly, the new materialism to bear on historical, political, and cultural sociology, with an emphasis on the Global South.