Publications and podcasts by the Centre for Post-14 Work and Education.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
- Thoughts on the recent G7. FE News May 2023
- P. Grainger and S. Lanza-Castelli. Digital Government and Smart Cities: developments in Argentina. May 2023
- Micro-credentials: their role in the economy and lifelong learning. FE News April 2023
- Grainger, P. Global murmurings on the future of work, FE News, November 2022.
- Spours. K, Grainger. P and Vigurs. C, We are all in the same storm but not in the same boat’: the COVID pandemic and the Further Education Sector, published in Journal of Education and Work, Volume 35 Issue 8, November 2022
- G20 Policy Brief Bridging The Digital Literacy Gender Gap In Developing Countries, Task Force 2: Meaningful Digital Connectivity, Cyber Security, Empowerment. September 2022.
- Grainger, P. The shape of future skills. Feedback from the T7. June 2022
- Spours, Ken, Grainger, P. The Roles and Relationships of Higher Education in Supporting Economic Recovery and the Just Transition, Think7 Policy Brief: Social Cohesion, Economic Transformation and Open Societies. T7 Communique. May 2022.
- Grainger, P, Castelli S, Martinez J. Ethical use of AI in education. Global Solutions 8. March 2022.
- Khan, M, Castelli, Silvia, Grainger, P. Ethical Standards and Advanced Technologies for the Protection of Children’s Cyberspace, Cyber Insights Magazine. March 2022.
- Grainger, P, Castelli, S. Ethics in Cyberspace, July 2021.
- Spours, K, Grainger, P, Vigurs, C, France R. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Further Education Sector and mitigating measures: a rapid review of the evidence, DFE/SAGE. June 2021.
- Goldberg, S., Grainger, P, Castelli, S. Education and training: recovering the ground lost during the lockdown. Towards a more sustainable competence model for the future, G20 Insights.
- Khan, M. K. Henry, E., Grainger, P. Sifting truth from fiction: enhanced protection from fake news, G20 Policy Brief. April 2021.
- Khan, M. K., Goldberg, S., Grainger, P. Heightening cybersecurity to promote safety and fairness for citizens in the post-covid-19 digital world (PDF). G20 Policy Brief.
- Grainger, P., Alaskary, H. Are Artificial Intelligence based learning technologies the answer to overcoming current educational challenges? August 2020
- Bradbury, A. and Duncan, S. Choosing welfare over worksheets and care of 'catch-up': teachers' priorities during lock down. UCL Institute of Education blog, 3 July 2020
- Carpentieri, J.D., Amorin, J., and Mallows, D. Methodological credibility, theoretical relevance and policy impact in the evaluation of adult basic skills programs: the case of the New Opportunities Initiative in Portugal. Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy
- Castelli, S. Jeanes, J. and Grainger, P. Apprenticeships for a digital future: an international comparison. FE News, 13 November 2020.
- Cordero, K., Chiuminatto, P., Duncan, S. and Vera, E. Millennials in the Stacks: Choices, Habits and Attitudes of Frequent Library Users between the Ages of 18–29 in Santiago, Chile. International Information and Library Review doi:10.1080/10572317.2020.1786794
- Derrick, J. 'Tacit pedagogy' and 'entanglement': practice-based learning and innovation. Journal of Workplace Learning. doi:10.1108/JWL-07-2019-0094
- Derrick, J. and Harris, T. SOLO: Surviving or Thriving? What changes have self-employed and sole-trader creative practitioners in East London made to their work in response to the COVID-19 crisis? UCL East Listen and Respond project report.
- Duncan, S. Editorial. Changing English, 27 (1), 1-4. doi:10.1080/1358684x.2020.1718333
- Duncan, S. "Widening the Ownership of the Word"? When Adults Read Aloud. Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Communities Network, Living and Learning in Diverse Communities. ESREA BGL-ALC, University of Pécs.
- Grainger, P. Global Educational Policies must be underpinned by new social contracts and a renewed emphasis on ethics. FE News, 23 November 2020
- Grainger, P. (contributor). Think20 Task Force Communiqué to the G20 Summit. November 2020. Riyadh: T20 Saudi Arabia
- Grainger, P. and Castelli, S.L. Supporting innovation for recovery. FE News, 27 May 2020
- Grainger, P. and Doel, M. Further Education Colleges. In David, M. and Amey, M. (eds), The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Higher Education. London, SAGE Publications Ltd
Grainger, P. and Doel, M. Technical Institutes. In David, M. and Amey, M. (eds), The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Higher Education. London, SAGE Publications Ltd - Grainger, P. G20 Thoughts on the post-pandemic world: Fears of an ephemeral recovery. FE News, 6 July 2020
- Grainger, P. How will COVID-19 impact the skills needed for the fourth industrial revolution? Contribution to #SkillsWorldLIVE radio discussion, FE News, 22 May 2020
- Grainger, P. Economy, Education and Employment for the digital age. Contribution to G20 Task Force 6 webinar, 20 May 2020
- Grainger, P. (2020). G20 deliberations on the future of work, education and skills: the Saudi phase. Blogpost for FE News, 18 February 2020
- Grainger, P. (2020). The role of FE colleges in inclusive economic, social and educational growth. In Newton, O., Laczik, A., and Emms, K. (eds) Our Plan for Further Education. London: The Edge Foundation
- Grainger, P. Colleges as Civic Anchors in the response to COVID 19. FE News, 16 April 2020
Grainger, P. Global #shutdown has accelerated the Fourth Industrial Revolution #4IR - What does this mean for FE and skills? FE News, 15 April 2020 - Grainger, P. and Rimmer, G. The AI Exam Algorithm is not to blame – Humans remain very much in charge and are ethically responsible for the consequences. FE News, 19 August 2020.
- Grainger, P. and Castelli, S. A call for ethics in the Curriculum. FE News, 17 August 2020.
- Gregson, M. and Duncan, S., with Brosnan, K., Derrick, J., Husband, G., Nixon, L., Spedding, T., Stubley, R. and Webber-Jones, R. Reflective Teaching in further, adult and vocational education (5th Edition). London: Bloomsbury
- Kitagawa, K. Development of disaster risk reduction policy in Thailand. Disaster Prevention and Management. doi:10.1108/DPM-08-2019-0244
- Moss, G., Allen, R., Bradbury, A., Duncan, S., Harmey, S. and Levy, R.. Primary teachers’ experience of the COVID-19 lockdown – Eight key messages for policymakers going forward. London, UK: UCL Institute of Education.
- Alaskary, H. and Grainger, P. G20’s think tank group warns missing generation’s skill gap must be addressed for sustained economic growth in a post COVID-19 era. Video discussion published by the G20 Task force 6, 26 August 2020.
- Grainger, P. What can the G20 do: The future of work in the post pandemic world. Contribution to video discussion, posted by the Global Solutions Initiative, Berlin, 20 May 2020
Podcasts for FE News
- Derrick, J. Adult learning infrastructure is a central feature of a healthy democracy
- Derrick, J. Establishing foundations for learners and professionals to develop skills for the jobs of the future
- Doel, M. Thinking about the FE system of the future
- Duncan, S. The impact of reading aloud in Britain today
- Grainger, P. Education needs to promote collaboration and the creative skills to work alongside AI
- Griffiths, G. How do developments in policy affect specialist FE teacher training?
- Bandura, R. and Grainger, P. (2019). Rethinking Pathways to Employment: Technical and Vocational Training for The Digital Age. T20 Task Force: Education for the Digital Age
- Carpentieri, J.D. (2019). The evolution of evidence problems in adult literacy and numeracy: How did we get into the current impasse and how can we get out of it? International Journal of Lifelong Education. Vol 38 (6), 644-656
- Carpentieri, J.D., Swain, J., Parsons, S. and Goodman, A. (2019) National Child Development Study: Retirement Plans and Expectations, Qualitative Study, 2016. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 8470
- Derrick, J. (2019). CPD ‘events’ are all very well, but what teachers need is unstructured time to talk. TES 6th April 2019
- Derrick, J. (2019). Will adult learning keep its sharp focus on employment and qualifications or can it become an inseparable aspect of citizenship? Blog post for the UCL Institute of Education 12 December 2019
- Derrick, J. (2019). How to build the social and work environment for inclusive Lifelong Learning. Blog post following participation in an expert seminar organised by the Centenary Commission on Adult Education discussing 'adult education, work and society', 3 May 2019
- Derrick, J. (2019). Tacit pedagogy in practice-based learning and innovation in one FE college workplace. Talk and slides from a workshop given on 27 June 2019 at the annual Conference of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Oxford, UK.
- Doel, M. (2019). Rethinking Place and Purpose: Provocations on the Future of FE. FETL (Further Education Trust for Leadership)
- Doel, M. (2019). Technical Education: A Defining Mission for Further Education Colleges? In Gallacher, J. and Reeve, F. (eds) New Frontiers for College Education: International Perspectives. London: Routledge
- Duncan, S. (2019). What does it mean to read aloud--and why is it so important? Blog post 2019. The Reading Agency
- Duncan, S. and Freeman, M. (2019). Adults reading aloud: a survey of contemporary practices in Britain. British Journal of Educational Studies
- Duncan, S. (2019). RABiT discussion, reflection and next steps for adult learners and adult education teachers. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK
- Duncan, S. (2019). RABiT discussion, reflection and next steps for prison reading groups. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK
- Duncan, S. (2019). RABiT discussion, reflection and next steps for teachers and trainee teachers. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK
- Duncan, S. and Spalding, C. (2019). RABiT discussion, reflection and next steps for the Reading Agency's Reading Ahead. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK
- Duncan, S. (2019). RABiT discussion, reflection and next steps for women library users, everyone and anyone. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK
- Duncan, S. and Capildeo, V. (2019). RABiT discussion, reflection and next steps with a poetry focus. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK
- Duncan, S. (2019). Reading Aloud in Britain Today: an overview and implications. Research and Practice in Adult Literacies 97, pp54-63
- Grainger, P. (2019). Crossing Boundaries 2: The FE sector and permeable spaces. London: Further Education Trust for Leadership
- Grainger, P. and Little, P. (2019). Colleges as anchors in their spaces: a study of college leadership of place. London: Further Education Trust for Leadership
- Grainger, P. (2019). Forward to The Akrill Review: improving skills and career prospects for young people. London: Manor Property Group
- Guile, D. (2019). The concept of “recontextualization”: implications for professional, vocational and workplace learning. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 23
- Guile, D. and Wilde, R. (2018). ‘Articulating value’ for clients in a global engineering consulting firm: ‘immaterial’ activity and its implications for post-knowledge economy expertise’ Journal of Education and Work, 31:5-6, 519-532
- Guile, D. and Unwin, L. (eds, 2019). The Wiley Handbook on Vocational Education and Training. London: Wiley
- Hoogland, K., Kelly, B., and Díez-Palomar, J. (2019). Introduction to TWG07 Adult Mathematics Education. Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Utrecht University: Utrecht, Netherlands
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Smith, D. and Jeanes, J. (2019). Beyond employer engagement and skills supply: building conditions for partnership working and skills co-production in the English context. Journal of Education and Work
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Gallacher J., James, D. and Irwin, T. (2019). FE and Skills Across the UK: Opportunities for policy learning? Introductory chapter of the Special issue of the Journal of Education and Work
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2019). Further education in England: at the crossroads between a national, competitive sector and a locally collaborative system? Special issue of the Journal of Education and Work
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Gallacher J., James, D. and Irwin, T. (2019). FE and Skills – is the ‘UK laboratory’ open for expansive policy learning? Special issue of the Journal of Education and Work
- Kelly, B. (2019). What motivates adults to learn mathematics through trade unions in the workplace: social factors and personal feelings. Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Utrecht University: Utrecht, Netherlands
- Kelly, B. and Evans, J. (2019). Trade Unions and the Numerate Environment. In Arkenback, C., Jarlskog, L., (Eds.). (2019) Maths in a Digital Age. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics: A Research Forum (ALM). (pp. 133-136) Lund, Sweden
- Kelly, B. (2019). Why should trade unions support adults to learn maths? Let me count the ways. Blog post for UnionLearn
- Kelly, B. (2019). Numeracy at work: how workplace learning can develop confidence with numbers. Blogpost for National Numeracy
- Kelly, B. (2019). How the trade union approach to learning helps workers overcome maths phobia. Blogpost for UCL Institute of Education
- Kelly, B. (2019). The role of Emotions and Confidence in motivation to learn Mathematics. In Kelly, B., Kaye, D., Griffiths, D., Dalby, D., Stacey, J. (Eds.). (2019). Boundaries and Bridges: Adults learning mathematics in a fractured world. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics: A Research Forum (ALM) (pp.67-69) London, UK: UCL Institute of Education
- Kitagawa, K. (2019). ‘Exploring “everyday-life preparedness”: case studies from Japan’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 34, 265–274
- Kitagawa, K. (2019). Co-Constructing a Narrative of 'Never Give Up' in Preparing for a Mega-Tsunami: An Exemplar of 'All-Of-Society Engagement'?. Geosciences. doi:10.3390/geosciences9120486
- Kitagawa, K. (2019). Global Engagement Funds Case Study: Dr Kaori Kitagawa and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. UCL Global blog, 23 January 2019.
- Lahiff, A. and Broad, J. H. (2019). Capturing the Elusive: How Vocational Teachers Develop and Sustain their Expertise. In D. Guile, L. Unwin (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Wiley-Blackwell
- Lahiff, A., Tilley, E., Broad, J., Roach, K. and Detmer, A. (2019). Disciplinary learning in project-based undergraduate engineering education: The case for new knowledge. Proceedings of the 8th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, REES 2019 - Making Connections, 578-587
- Lahiff, A., Li, J., Unwin, L., Zenner-Höffkes, L. and Pilz, M. (2019). Industrial Standardisation as a Driver for Cross-national Convergence in Training Processes: Aviation Apprenticeships in England and Germany. European Journal of Training and Development. doi:10.1108/EJTD-11-2018-0112
- McGrath, S. and Rogers, L. (2019) Making learning relevant to real life. In Rogers, L. (ed) (2019) Edge Future Learning: Our evidence for deeper learning. The Edge Foundation
- McGrath, S. and Rogers, L. (2019) Developing transferable skills. In Rogers, L. (ed) (2019) Edge Future Learning: Our evidence for deeper learning. The Edge Foundation
- Mitchell, J. and Rogers, L. (2019) Staff perceptions of implementing project-based learning in engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education
- Rogers, L., (2019) Measuring progress. In Rogers, L. (ed) (2019) Edge Future Learning: Our evidence for deeper learning. The Edge Foundation
- Rogers, L. (ed) (2019). Edge Future Learning: Our evidence for deeper learning. The Edge Foundation
- Rogers, L. and Spours, K. (forthcoming). The Great Stagnation of Upper Secondary Education in England: A historical and system perspective. To be submitted to the British Education Research Journal
- Spours, K., Mahony, N. and Foley, F. (2019). Common Platforms: a new stage of collaborative-based politics. London: Compass
- Spours, K. and Mahony, N. (2019). Civic participation in London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Report for the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
- Spours, K. (2019 forthcoming). Social Ecosystems: a place-based and inclusive approach to Working, Living and Learning. Edge discussion paper
- Spours, K., Hodgson, A., Grainger, P. and Smith, D. (2019). Area-based reviews and their aftermath: moving to a Post-Incorporation Model for further education in England? Journal of Vocational Education and Training
- Spours, K. (2019) The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence: A conceptual exploration. Centre Discussion Paper
- Spours, K. (forthcoming). A Social Ecosystem Model: conceptual developments and implications for VET. Submitted to the Oxford Review of Education (Sep)
- Spours, K. (2019). Uncertain Terrain: Realignment of the Blocs and the Regressive Alliance. Compass Discussion Paper. London: Compass
Podcasts for FE News
- Doel, M. (2019). How to avoid education administration.
- Boarding School Partnerships, Carpentieri, J. and Maxwell, C. (2018). Boarding school placements for vulnerable children and young people: A study of the social, educational and financial outcomes of boarding placements. Norwich: Norfolk County Council
- Broad, J., Detmer, A., Lahiff, A., Roach, K., & Tilley, E. (2018). Developing pedagogic and curriculum expertise: The professional development of future engineering HE practitioners through participation in Project Based Learning research. Presented at: International symposium of engineering education
- Broad, J., Detmer, A., Lahiff, A., & Tilley, E. (2018). Expansive learning through participation as ethnographic researchers: The role of informal professional learning in the development of future Engineering HE educators. Presented at: UK & IE EER Network's 6th annual symposium
- Carpentieri, J., Cara, O., Popov, J. and Litster, J. (2018). Guidance and Orientation for Adult Learners (GOAL): Six-country evaluation report. Brussels: European Commission.
- Duncan, S. (2018). Lend Me Your Ears: Mass Observing Contemporary Adult Reading Aloud Practices. Changing English, 1-16
- Duncan, S., & Paran, A. (2018). Negotiating the Challenges of Reading Literature: Teachers Reporting on their Practice. In J. Bland (Ed.), Using Literature in English Language Education: Challenging Reading for 8–18 Year Olds. London: Bloomsbury
- Fletcher, M. and Grainger, P. (2018) Issues and options for financing post-compulsory education. T20 Task Force: Education for the Digital Age
- Grainger, P, and Doel, M. Further Education Colleges, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education
- Grainger, P, and Doel, M. Technical Institutes, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education
- Grainger, P, and Spours, K. (2018) A Social Ecosystem Model: A New Paradigm for Skills Development? T20 Task Force: the Future of Work
- Hallam, S. and Rogers, L. (2018). Homework: the evidence. London: IOE Press
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2018) A social ecosystem model: conceptualising and connecting working, living and learning in London’s New East. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Hodgson, A., Smith, D., Spours, K. and Jeanes, J. (2018) Building the conditions for effective and sustainable technical and vocational education in East London. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Waring, M., Gallacher, J, Irwin, T. and James, D. (2018) FE and skills across the four countries of the UK: new opportunities for policy learning
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2018 forthcoming) Young people and transitions in upper secondary education in England: the influence of policy on the ‘local opportunity landscape’ in K. Brunila and L. Lundahl (eds) Youth on the Move - Tendencies and tensions in youth policies and practices. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press
- Kelly, B. (2018). Motivating adults to learn mathematics in the workplace: a trade union approach. International Journal of Lifelong Education
- Kitagawa, K. (2018). ‘Questioning “integrated” disaster risk reduction and “all of society” engagement: can “preparedness pedagogy” help?’. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
- Lahiff, A. T., Broad, J. H., Tilley, E., Roach, K., & Detmer, A. (2018). Fitness for purpose? project-based, collaborative learning in engineering undergraduate education. Presented at: 7th International Symposium of Engineering Education 2018
- Lahiff, A. T., Tilley, E., Broad, J., Roach, K., & Detmer, A. (2018). Highlighting the learning in project-based undergraduate engineering education: pedagogical and methodological considerations. Presented at: 6th Annual Symposium of the UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network
- Lahiff, A. T. (2018). Student learning and engagement in Project-based learning (PjBL) activities. Presented at: Developing curriculum, learning and pedagogies in STEM subjects: the case of Engineering.
- Moss, G., Duncan, S., Harmey, S., & Munoz-Chereau, B. (2018). Current practice in using a system of phonics with post-16 learners. London: Education and Training Foundation
- Paran, A., & Duncan, S. (2018). Snapshots of Reality. Teaching Literature and Language Through Multimodal Texts, ICI Global
- Spours, K., Hodgson, A., Grainger, P. and Smith, D. (2018) Post-16 Area-Based Reviews in London: A small step towards a more universal and coherent skills system in the Capital? London: Association of Colleges
- Tambling, P. (2018). Can education and skills development be more aligned locally reflecting local work patterns and business growth? T20 Task Force: Education for the Digital Age
- Carpentieri, J.D., Goodman, A., Parsons, S., Patalay, P., & Swain, J. (2017) Lifetime poverty and attitudes to retirement among a cohort born in 1958. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies
- Carpentieri, J. D., Elliott, J., Brett, C. E., & Deary, I. J. (2017). Adapting to Aging: Older People Talk About Their Use of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation to Maximize Well-being in the Context of Physical Decline. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, gbw132
- Derrick, J. (2017). Key informant in ‘'They have overcome enormous challenges': the refugees rebuilding their lives as teachers in British schools’, Guardian article 14-07-17
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K. and Smith, D. (2017) Future apprenticeships in England: The role of mediation in the new model, Journal of Education and Work, 30 (6) pp.653-658
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2017) Policy and policy learning across the four countries of the UK. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2017) FE and skills across the UK: the case of England. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. with Jeanes, J., Smith, D., Vine-Morris, M., Vihriala, R., Bollam, J., Coles, L., Harris, M. and Kazempour, T. (2017) Education, skills and employment in East London: an ecosystem analysis. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. with Jeanes, J., Smith, D., Vine-Morris, M., Vihriala, R., Bollam, J., Coles, L., Harris, M. and Kazempour, T. (2017) Beyond employer engagement: exploring the nature of partnership working for skills development. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Grainger, P., Crossing Boundaries: a review of FETL grant-funded projects and think pieces, FETL (2017)
- Kitagawa, K. (2017) ‘Situating preparedness education within public pedagogy’, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 25(1), 1-13
- Kitagawa, K., Preston, J. & Chadderton, C. (2017) ‘Preparing for disaster: a comparative analysis of education for critical infrastructure collapse’, Journal of Risk Research, 20(11), 1450-1465
- Lahiff, A. T. (2017). Maximising vocational teachers’ learning through developmental observation. In M. O'Leary (Ed.), Reclaiming lesson observation: supporting excellence in teacher learning (pp. 51-61). London, UK: Routledge
- Spours, K., Hodgson, A. and Smith, D. (2017) The Area-Based Review in London: two logics of reform. Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Spours, K., Hodgson, A., Grainger, P. and Smith, D. (2017) Area-Based Reviews in London: moving to a more collaborative phase? Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL Institute of Education, London
- Broad, J. (2016), Vocational knowledge in motion: rethinking vocational knowledge through vocational teachers' professional development. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 68 (2) 143-160.
- Cajic-Seigneur, M. and Hodgson, A. (2016) Alternative educational provision in an area of deprivation in London. London Review of Education, 14 (2) 25-37
- Carpentieri, J. D., Elliott, B. J., Brett, C. B., & Deary, I. J. (2016). Adding Narratives to Numbers in a Mixed Methods Study of Successful Ageing: The 6-Day Sample of the Scottish Mental Survey 1947. Sociological Research Online
- Derrick, J. (2016). Professional Judgement and Standards in Educational Assessment. Blogpost
- Derrick, J and Grainger, P. (2016). Teach Too: Collaborative partnerships between industry practitioners and teachers for the co-design and delivery of vocational learning and teaching (VLT) programmes. (pptx, 342 KB) on the Education and Employers website. Presentation at the BIS Employer Engagement Conference, 21-22 July 2016.
- Duncan, S. and Schwab, I. (2016) Why Terminology is Important. Research and Practice in Adult Literacy (RaPAL), 88 (Spring), 20-25
- Guile, D., & Lahiff, A. (2016). Apprenticeship for ‘Liquid Life’: Learning in Contingent Work Conditions for Contingent Employment. Vocations and Learning, 1-19. doi:10.1007/s12186-016-9166-3
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2016) Education, skills and employment in East London: an ecosystem analysis, ELVET Programme Research Briefing 1, Centre for Post-14 Education and Work, UCL IOE
- Hodgson, A., Smith D. and Spours, K. (2016) Future apprenticeships: mediators' perspectives on the new model. Paper presented at the Education and Employers Taskforce Conference, London, 21 July 2016
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2016) Restrictive and expansive policy learning - challenges and strategies for knowledge exchange in upper secondary education across the four countries of the UK. Journal of Education Policy, 31 (5) 511-525
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2016) Young people and transitions in upper secondary education in England: the influence of policy on the 'local opportunity landscape'. Youth on the Move (in press)
- Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. (2016) The evolution of social ecosystem thinking: its relevance for education, economic development and localities - stimulus paper for 22 June ecosystem workshop, Post-14 Centre for Education and Work, UCL IOE
- Kitagawa, K. (2016). ‘Disaster preparedness, adaptive politics and lifelong learning: a case of Japan’, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(6), 629-647
- Lahiff, A. T. (2016). Maximising Vocational Teachers’ Learning: the developmental significance of teaching observations. Presented at: European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning
- Lahiff, A. T. (2016). Vocational Pedagogy in HE Learning lessons from FE vocational teachers?. Presented at: ESRC RESEARCH SEMINAR SERIES 2014–2016 HIGHER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGY (HIVE-PED)
- Lahiff, A. T., & Guile, D. (2016). ‘It’s not like a normal 9 to 5!’: the learning journeys of media production apprentices in distributed working conditions. Journal of Vocational Education & Training,. doi:10.1080/13636820.2016.1201846
- Laurillard, D., Derrick, J. and Doel, M. (2016). Building digital skills in the FE Sector. Government Office for Science Foresight Report
- Litster, J., Carpentieri, J., and Cara, O. (2016). Guidance and Orientation for Adult Learners (GOAL) cross-country report: Wave 1. Brussels: European Commission
- Spours, K., Hodgson, A. and Smith, D. (2016). The Post-16 Area-Based Review in London: Two logics of reform. Submission to the Sub Committee on Education, Skills and the Economy Inquiry on Post-16 Education Area Reviews
- Richards, S. (2016). Different Pathways, diverse destinations. (pptx, 2.6 MB) on the Education and Employers website. Presentation at the Education and Employers National Conference, London 2016.
- Rogers, L. (2016). Re-engaging learners in further education and training. InTuition, 24, 19
- Different pathways, diverse destinations (YouTube video). Education and Employers National Conference, London 2016. Presentation by Sean Richards.
- Broad, J. (2015). So many worlds, so much to do: Identifying barriers to engagement with continued professional development for teachers in the further education and training sector. London Review of Education, 13 (1) 17-30
- Carpentieri, J. (2015). Adding new numbers to the policy narrative: Using PIAAC data to focus on literacy practices. In Hamilton, M., Maddox, B. and Addey, C. (Eds.) Literacy as Numbers: Researching the politics and practices of international literacy assessment. Pp. 93-110. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Carpentieri, J., Litster, J. and Johnson, C. (2015). International evidence review of basic skills: Learning from high-performing and improving countries. BIS research paper 209. London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
- Carpentieri, J., Litster, J. and Mallows, D. (2015) Literacy Cubed: Evaluation of a Roma family literacy programme in Montenegro, Romania and Slovakia. Brussels: European Commission.
- Duncan, S. (2015). Biographical Learning and Non-Formal Education: Questing, Threads and Choosing How to be Older. Studies in the Education of Adults, Spring 2015
- Duncan, S. (2015) Reading Aloud in Lewisham: an exploration of adult reading aloud practices. Literacy 49 (2) 84-90
- Duncan, S. and Schwab, I. (2015) Guiding Principles for the Use of Terminology in Adult Literacy: A Rationale. ELINET: European Union
- Grainger, P., Wilderspin, C. and Pitcher, A. (2015) Space and Place, Colleges rebuilding. The Coming of Age for FE, A. Hodgson (ed) The Coming of Age for FE? Reflections on the past and future of further education colleges in England IOE. London: IOE Press
- Gregson, M., Hillier, Y., Biesta, G., Duncan, S., Nixon, L., Spedding, T. and Wakeling, P. (2015) Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Education. London: Bloomsbury.
- Hallam, S. and Rogers, L. (2015) Not the end? A new approach to school exclusions. Every Child Journal 5 (1) 28-33
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