
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Paper Boats: the Pakistani Bengali story

6 June 2023

An exhibition based on issues of Pakistani Bengali community has launched in Karachi, Pakistan. The exhibition reimagines research from the Partition of Identity project by Dr Humera Iqbal and Dr Maria Rashid at IOE and co-researchers at Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Dr Humera Iqbal interviewed on Aaj News

Read: DawnDawn (2)

Watch: Aaj News (YouTube) (and below)

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQW9dyS0bSs

The exhibition will come to Rich Mix, London, in November 2023. Find out more about the Partition of Identity: An Exploration of Belonging in Pakistani Bengalis, 1971-present project.


Dr Humera Iqbal interviewed on Aaj News.