
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Outstanding teacher and school leader development at UCL

7 August 2024

Ofsted has rated UCL as an outstanding lead provider of the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for teachers and school leaders.

Female Asian teacher speaking with boy at classroom desks

In 2021 the Department for Education appointed IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society as a lead provider of the full suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) to support teachers’ and school leaders’ professional development. Ofsted completed its first full inspection of IOE’s NPQ programmes in June this year.

Inspectors carried out focused reviews on leading behaviour and culture, early years leadership, headship, senior leadership, leading teaching, executive leadership, leading teacher development, and leading literacy.

Ofsted judged that IOE is providing “a professional development experience that goes above and beyond. The relentless focus on bridging the gap between research and practice ensures that all participants...go on a journey of self-discovery".

Over 10,300 teachers and school leaders are participating in or have recently completed one of the 10 current NPQ programmes offered by IOE, which will expand to include the new NPQ for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators from Autumn 2024. IOE currently works with 26 national and international school partners to deliver the programmes.

Jonathan Dale, the former Programme Director for Professional Development (now retired from the UCL Centre for Educational Leadership), said:

“Ofsted’s outstanding judgement and glowing report celebrates UCL IOE’s partnership approach to delivering the highest quality NPQs as would be expected of the world’s number one institution for education. Ofsted highlighted UCL’s approach to research-informed programme design and an implementation project that anchors the programme learning in school leadership practice, ultimately improving pupil outcomes as a significant strength. The report recognised that the Outstanding judgement is a testament to the partnerships that have been established with some of the highest performing education delivery partners including teaching school hubs.”

Professor Li Wei, Director and Dean of IOE, added:

"The 'golden thread' that underpins IOE's commitment to teaching excellence is now complete with this inspection outcome. It starts from our 'Outstanding' initial teacher education for new teachers, as recognised by Ofsted earlier this year, through to supporting them at the start of their careers with the Early Career Framework. It culminates in offering excellent professional development to educational leaders via NPQs. I am immensely proud of our specialists who have crafted and directed these programmes, and I look forward to seeing the widespread positive impact on the profession."

Highlighting what UCL does well, the report provided feedback on how we’re:

Bridging the gap between research and practice

The report praises IOE’s strong commitment to work for, and with, the teaching profession. The NPQ programme design is deeply underpinned by values of research-informed and evidence-based practice, and delivered by expert facilitators in their field, who draw on well-founded and relevant educational research and practice. This strengthens participants’ skills to reflect on and improve their leadership practices, so that learning is relevant and meaningful, not an onerous ‘add-on’ to their workload.

Fostering a culture of excellence and collaboration

The report highlights the ‘complete synergy’ in the values and vision between IOE and our delivery partners, having created mutually collaborative systems allowing for continuous improvement and responsiveness to current developments in education both locally and nationally, which fosters excellence. UCL IOE ‘leaves no stone unturned when looking for ways to improve their programmes further,’ and values all voices to ensure that the programmes enable participants to flourish, develop and grow.

Supporting participants' career progression and wellbeing

The report commends the skillful programme design that accelerates participants' aspirations and career progress. The programmes are tailored around what participants are already doing in school and the pedagogies enable them to deepen their knowledge of leadership by applying the programme learning in their work contexts. Participants speak ‘extremely highly’ of how the programmes have shaped their professional practice, reduced their workload, enhanced their wellbeing, and led to subsequent promotions.



Phil Meech for UCL.