
ION-DRI Programme


Here be Dragons public art workshop

In June, lead artist Annie Cattrell hosted ‘Here be Dragons’  - an on-site staff workshop, exploring how to imaginatively ‘navigate’ into unknown creative and conceptual territories. 

In June, lead artist Annie Cattrell hosted ‘Here be Dragons’ –  an on-site staff workshop, exploring how to imaginatively ‘navigate’ into unknown creative and conceptual territories. 

'Here be Dragons' is a term in early map-making  that refers to territories of uncharted land and sea. In these maps, the unknown areas were imaginatively illustrated in the form of dragons and other threatening mythological creatures.

Therefore, the unknown was considered to be a challenging, almost monstrous, place to avoid, or travel to, at your peril.
Today, with digital mapping, Google Earth, 3D modelling of space, the non-invasive scanning of the human body and brain plus open access to so much information there is little that is uncharted or physically undiscovered.

The two-hour workshop explored the theme of the space between, what connects us and how something unknown can become known, looking at 
new methods and ways to chart around, through and into the connections between thinking, formulating, writing and making.

In the workshops, participants drew, wrote and used casting techniques to explore these ideas, taking wonderful and meaningful creative risks.