
ION-DRI Programme


Lab Life: UK DRI Fluid Biomarker Laboratory

We take a tour around the UK DRI Fluid Biomarker Laboratory, led by Prof Henrik Zetterberg and Dr Amanda Heslegrave,

Fluid Biomarker Lab

The experienced team at the UK DRI Fluid Biomarker Laboratory is under the guidance of Professor Henrik Zetterberg and Dr Amanda Heslegrave, experts in the field of fluid biomarker research for neurodegenerative diseases. Fluid biomarkers are molecules found in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid and are of high interest, with some already harnessed for clinical trial assessment. However, these molecules are difficult to detect due to their extremely low concentrations. Utilising state-of-the-art ultrasensitive instruments, the team are supporting the development of new fluid biomarker tests, with the main goal being to lead the way for a simple blood test for various neurodegenerative conditions.

Amanda Heslegrave
Henrik Zetterberg

The lab is well equipped with specialised technology including: 
  • Quanterix Simoa technology - provides a fully automated ultrasensitive biomarker measurement with up to 1000x greater sensitivity than traditional immunoassays
  • Olink technology - employs proximity extension assay (PEA) technology, which enables the simultaneous detection of multiple proteins in a single sample using minimal amounts of material
  • Alamar NULISA technology - enables proteomic analysis with attomolar sensitivity, allowing for unprecedented biomarker detection and quantitation
  • We are the first lab in the UK to have this latest technology
  • Plate reader platform and Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) technology - facilitate biomarker measurement via manual-based assays using absorbance and electrochemiluminescence (ECL), respectively

 The laboratory is divided into two division: one dedicated to research and the other to service provision, known as the Biomarker Factory. In the research division, a team comprising PhD students and post-doctoral researchers focus on exploring novel biomarkers and supporting the validation and development of innovative assay methods and technologies. 

Eleftheria Kodosaki

Dr Eleftheria Kodosaki
“My current work is about developing and validating new assays and technologies for CNS biomarkers. I have also been involved in the Olink side of the Biomarker Factory which I’m really enjoying-for the most part-, although my favourite experiments are and will always be ELISA-based.”


Deborah Alawode

Deborah Alawode 
“Having just completed my PhD, where I developed novel Simoa amyloid-β assays for Alzheimer’s disease, I am enjoying having the opportunity to continue and further enhance this work prior to returning to Medical School in August 2024" 


The Biomarker Factory, the second division of the lab, measures a vast array of biomarkers in different sample types, on behalf of internal and external collaborators, as well as industry partners. The facility was established in April 2021 and plays a significant role in driving scientific progress within the field of neurodegenerative diseases. The Biomarker Factory is co-ordinated by Elena Veleva and operates with the support of a dedicated team of two technical specialists - Rhiannon Laban and Owen Swann. The facility carries out measurements for projects of different sizes, some of which involve over 5,000 samples.

The atmosphere in our lab is characterised by a collaborative and dynamic environment, fostering innovation and teamwork, while maintaining a strong focus on precision and excellence in research. The lab also constantly seeks to refine our services and adopt cutting-edge technologies.

The Fluid Biomarker Laboratory will remain located on the 3rd floor of Queen Square House and has intentions to expand its operations. This expansion involves acquiring additional instruments, as well as expanding the team of technical experts and researchers.