
Joint Research Office


Patient and public involvement drop-in sessions to start in August

25 July 2024

Researchers with questions about patient and public involvement (PPI) in research can attend drop-in advice sessions held online from August 2024.

The sessions – from the Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research Facility at UCLH – will run on the first Wednesday of every month from 1pm-2pm, starting on Wednesday 7th August.

Drop in with any questions you have related to PPI, whether it’s about:

  • How to run focus groups
  • how to find patient partners
  • whether you need to reimburse patients for their time
  • or anything else.

The sessions will be hosted by Patience Renias-Zuva, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Lead for the NIHR UCLH Biomedical Research Centre, and Christine Menzies, PPIE and Communications Lead for the NIHR UCLH Clinical Research Facility (CRF).

To receive an invite for the sessions, email p.renias-zuva@ucl.ac.uk or christine.menzies@nhs.net.

Patient and public involvement improves and enriches the quality of research by making it as relevant and as acceptable as possible to the people taking part in the research, and the people the research is intended to benefit.

In addition, carrying out PPI is increasingly a requirement of research funders.

The drop-in sessions are in part a response to a survey of investigators conducted by the CRF which reported in January 2024.

The survey highlighted high levels of awareness among researchers of the importance of PPI, but found that investigators wanted more help and training in conducting PPI. The idea of setting up ‘PPI Clinics’ was mentioned in survey feedback.