
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Level 3

Prerequisite for entry

Successful completion of French syllabus level 2+ at UCL Centre for Languages & International Education or a high GCSE (or equivalent).

Term duration

10 x 2-hour classes.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to enable students with a good basic knowledge of French to develop the four skills (speaking, understanding, reading and writing) to an intermediate level. Students should be able to communicate in French in most common situations. Cultural awareness will be developed. Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach authentic material will be enhanced.


  • Describing activities
  • Expressing what you would like to do in the future
  • Comparing different way of living
  • Talking about hypothetical situations
  • Expressing and justifying your point of view
  • Extracting information from written or oral material

Course content

Main topics/themes to be covered:

  • Social and family life
  • Places and accommodation
  • French geography and culture

Linguistic Structures/ Phonetics

Difficult sounds in French


  • Structure of the questions
  • Relative pronouns (qui, que, où, dont)
  • Demonstrative pronouns
  • Conditional present
  • Comparatives and superlatives

Learning resources


  • Course book: Le Nouveau Taxi 2 - units 1 to 3 – Hachette.
  • Tutor’s material.
  • In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials for self-study in the Self-Access Centre.

Bilingual Dictionaries (Collins/Robert) Pocket edition

Useful websites