
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Social programme

International Pre-Master's sample term 1 social progamme

2nd October 2015Presentation Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
9th October 2015Kew Gardens
16th October 2015Victoria and Albert Museum – Indian Textile exhibition
23rd October 2015Highlights Tour of National Gallery
30th October 2015Highlights Tour of British Library
6th November 2015Royal Academy of Art – Liotard exhibition & Ai Wei Wei
20th November 2015Guided tour of Houses of Parliament
27th November 2015Presentation of how the Guardian newspaper works and discussion with Journalist
4th December 2015Guided tour of Mansion House
11th December 2015Christmas tea party and Puppet Show
18th December 2015Walking tour of Financial London with blue badge guide, finishing off in the Crosse keys pub (Gracechurch Street)