
UCL Faculty of Laws


Prof Lianos serves as a UN expert in competition law and partakes in public engagement activities

16 July 2024

Professor Ioannis Lianos, Professor of Global Competition Law and Public Policy at UCL Laws, contributed to a policy review of the Egyptian competition law system and presented his research on global food value chains and digital ecosystems at an IGE meeting.


Professor Lianos was the main drafter (international expert) of the voluntary peer review study for the Protection of Competition in Egypt. It was commissioned by UNCTAD (the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) and COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and South Africa), and undertaken in collaboration with the Egyptian Competition Authority, the UNCTAD Competition and Consumer Policies branch led by Dr Teresa Moreira.

The report, co-authored with Marina Iskander (national expert), provides a critical analysis of the Egyptian Competition Law system the last forty years, including of its recent 2022 reforms; and examines the enforcement record, the institutional framework and design and institutional capabilities. It provides a series of recommendations for reform. The report was officially presented by Professor Lianos at the 22nd session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Competition Law and Policy on July 4 at the UN headquarters in Geneva, in the presence of and following comments by the President of the Egyptian Competition Authority, Dr Mahmoud Momtaz.  The report was also reviewed by the Director General of the DG Competition, European Commission, Olivier Guersent; the President of the Brazilian CADE, Alexandre Barreto de Souza; the Chairman of the OECD Competition Committee, Frederic Jenny; and former US FTC chairman and Professor at George Washington University, Bill Kovacic, who all highlighted the high quality of the report and supported its recommendations.

Read the report and a summary of its recommendations: ‘Voluntary peer review of competition law and policy of Egypt’.

Professor Lianos also had the opportunity to present his groundbreaking research on global food value chains and digital ecosystems during the 22nd session of the IGE.  The report prepared by UNCTAD's Competition and Consumer Policy branch on digital markets and ecosystems makes extensive references to Professor Lianos’ body of work, while the concept note and setup of the session on Global Food Value Chains was inspired by Professor Lianos' work on the topic (see most recently his book Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law, published by Cambridge University Press), denoting the international recognition and policy impact of his work.

 Read UNCTAD's note on Enforcing competition law in digital markets and ecosystem: Policy Challenges and Options.
