
UCL Faculty of Laws


Blogs and Journals

View blogs and journals published by groups, institutes and centres at UCL Faculty of Laws.
A group of students posing outside the UCL Portico with a yellow sign saying 'Refugees welcome'
UCL European Institute logo

UCL Europe Blog

European-focused academic analysis and commentary from UCL academics and external contributors, run by the UCL European Institute.

Moot court

Current Legal Problems

The Current Legal Problems (CLP) annual volume is published on behalf of UCL Laws by Oxford University Press, and features scholarly articles that offer a critical analysis of important current legal issues.

Close up image of green leaves on trees and a tree trunk

Climate Change and the Rule of Law

The Centre for Law and Environment blog invites contributors to reflect on emerging issues and relations between climate change and rule of law.

Donaldson Reading Room at UCL

UK Labour Law Blog

The UK Labour Law Blog, supported by UCL Laws, is a forum for academics, practising lawyers and those engaged in labour law policies to provide expert analysis of labour law matters.

Lex Atlas Covid 19 project

Lex-Atlas: Covid-19

Lex-Atlas: Covid-19 (LAC19) is a global academic project mapping legal responses to Covid-19, jointly led by UCL Laws. There are nearly 200 jurists participating in the network who have contributed to writing national country reports. 

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UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence

Edited and published by graduate students of UCL Laws, the Journal accepts submissions in all areas of law and jurisprudence.

Jeremy Bentham

Transcribe Bentham Blog

Transcribe Bentham is an initiative where volunteers assist in the production of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham by transcribing Bentham's manuscripts, led by The Bentham Project at UCL Laws.

Front cover of Journal of Bentham Studies

Journal of Bentham Studies

The Journal of Bentham Studies is the official publication of the UCL Bentham Project at UCL Laws, publishing original research papers on the life and writings of the utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham.

Europe and the World: A Law Review front conver

Europe and the World: A law review

Europe and the World: A law review aims to contribute to legal scholarship on the place of Europe in the world, with a particular focus on the EU's external relations law. It is published by UCL Press and co-edited by Professor Piet Eeckhout.

Lady Justice statue on top of the Criminal Court

Criminal Justice Theory Blog

The blog aims to make short but carefully constructed arguments about interesting issues in the theory and philosophy of criminal justice. It is led by Dr Liat Levanon (Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London) and Dr Mark Dsouza (UCL Laws).