
QUCL - Research on Sexual and Gender diversity at UCL



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The Lives of Statues - Adored, Ignored, Abhorred?

We were delighted to welcome Dr Rahul Rao (Reader in International Political Thought at the University of St Andrews) to give the GFRN/qUCL 2024 annual lecture, on 'The libidinal lives of statues'. 

In follow-up to this lecture, we present a conversation with Rao and inclusive heritage specialist Sean Curran.

In this episode, Rao and Curran expand on the central question of the lecture: what is it about statues that has spooked people in the past enough to arouse in them the impulse to destroy?

SoundCloud Widget Placeholderhttps://soundcloud.com/ucl-advanced-studies/think-pieces-podcast-the-liv...