
Library Services


Service Standards

At UCL Library Services, we’re committed to providing high-quality customer service delivered in partnership with you. Service standards are one of the ways we measure our performance regularly, to make sure we maintain excellent levels of customer service.

Opening Hours

Target: 100%

Throughout May 2024, our libraries were open for 100% of our advertised opening hours.

Enquiry Response Times

Targets: Chat: 90%; Ticket resolution satisfaction: 90%

In May 2024, we answered 94% of chats within 30 seconds, and 98% of customers who responded rated the resolution of their ticket as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.

Training and Teaching Satisfaction Rates

Target: 90%

Throughout the spring 2023/2024 term, 96% of the feedback we received in our live training and teaching sessions, and 91% of the feedback we received in our self-paced online sessions, indicated a rating of 4 or 5 stars.

Student Survey Scores

Target for all: 90%

In 2022/23, the NSS survey underwent a number of changes, including a move from satisfaction ratings to 'positivity measures' which are the proportion of respondents who chose a positive option (e.g. 'very well' or 'well') in response to each of the questions.

For the 2023 NSS survey, the positivity score for Q.20 'How well have the library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) supported your learning’ was 92.1 – this is highest positivity score for all NSS questions at UCL for this iteration of the survey and an excellent endorsement of the service and support libraries provide for undergraduate students.

For the 2023 PRES survey, 85.7% of respondents agreed that 'There is appropriate access to physical library resources and facilities', and 92.9% of respondents agreed that 'There is appropriate access to online library resources'. 

Our recent results

Service standard performance by month
StandardMay 2024April 2024March 2024February 2024January 2024December 2023
Opening hours (target: 100%)100%100%99%100%100%99%
Chat response time (target: 90%)94%91%91%93%92%93%
Ticket resolution satisfaction (target: 90%)98%96%96%96%96%99%
Training and teaching satisfaction rate by term
StandardSpring 2023-24Autumn 2023-24Summer 2022-23
Training and Teaching Satisfaction Rates - Live Teaching and Training Sessions (target: 90%)96%97%99%
Training and Teaching Satisfaction Rates - Self Paced Online Sessions (target: 90%)91%94%100%
Survey scores by academic year
NSS Library Score (target: 90%)92.1%
PRES (Physical) Score (target: 90%)85.7%
PRES (Online) Score (target: 90%)92.9%