School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Mann Collection - MAN/1/1-MAN/1/14 item descriptions

MAN/1/1 - Mann's annotated copy of "A short Albanian Grammar" (1932)

Previous number: part of item 6

Contents: Mann's annotated copy of "A Short Albanian Grammar"(London, 1932). The annotations were possibly made for a second edition.

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope

Publication: "A Short Albanian Grammar" (London, 1932)

MAN/1/2 - Mann's annotated copy of "An Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (1948-1979)

Previous number: item 7

Contents: Mann's annotated copy of "An Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (London, 1948). Reviews of the work (1963-1979) are also pasted into the volume.

(Languages) Albanian & English & German & Italian

1 envelope

Publication: "An Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (London, 1948)

MAN/1/3 - Card index of an Albanian dictionary (circa) (1948;1957) (circa)

Previous number: item 22

Contents: card index of an Albanian dictionary, it is not clear whether is part of the research for "An Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (London, 1948) or "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (Cambridge, 1957)

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 small 3 drawer index card cabinet

Publication: "An Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (London, 1948) or "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (Cambridge, 1957)

MAN/1/4 - Notebooks re Albanian language including notes for "An Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (circa) (1948)

Previous number: part of item 3

Contents: notebooks re Albanian language entitled -

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope containing 4 notebooks

Publication: "Historical Albanian-English Dictionary" (London, 1948)

MAN/1/5 - Mann's annotated copy of "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (1957)

Previous number: part of item 6

Contents: Mann's annotated copy of "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (Cambridge, 1957). Reviews of the work are also pasted into the volume.

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope

Publication: "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (Cambridge, 1957)

MAN/1/6 - Notebooks re Albanian language including notes for "An Albanian-English Dictionary" (1944-1978)

Previous number: part of item 4

Contents: notebooks re Albanian language comprising -

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope containing 3 notebooks

Publication: "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (Cambridge, 1957)

MAN/1/7 - Notebooks re Albanian language including notes for "An Albanian-English Dictionary" (circa) (1957)

Previous number: part of item 3

Contents: notebooks re Albanian language entitled -

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope containing 4 notebooks

Publication: "An English-Albanian Dictionary" (Cambridge, 1957)

MAN/1/8 - Proofs of "An Albanian Historical Grammar" (1974)

Previous number: part of item 6

Contents: bound proofs of "An Albanian Historical Grammar" (?London, 1974).

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope

Publication: "An Albanian Historical Grammar" (?London, 1974)

MAN/1/9 - Microfilm of Mann's "An Albanian Historical Grammar" (1974)

Previous number: part of item 23

Contents: microfilm of Mann's "An Albanian Historical Grammar" (?London, 1974).

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope containing 1 reel of microfilm

Publication: "An Albanian Historical Grammar" (?London, 1974)

MAN/1/10 - Photostats of liturgy by Don Gjon Buzak and related papers (1944-1978)

Previous number: part of item 5

Contents: photostats of liturgy (1555) by Albanian scholar Don Gjon Buzak, indexes by Mann and correspondence.

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 folder

MAN/1/11 - Index by Mann of vocabulary in Don Gjon Buzak's Albanian liturgy (circa) (1944-1978) (circa)

Previous number: part of item 23

Contents: card index by Mann of the vocabulary used by Albanian scholar Don Gjon Buzak in his liturgy of 1555

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 box

MAN/1/12 - Notes and other papers re Albanian language (1930-1961)

Previous number: part of item 5

Contents: notes and other papers re Albanian language including -

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope

MAN/1/13 - Translations and transcriptions of Albanian literature (1936-1955) (circa)

Previous number: part of item 4

Contents: translations and transcriptions of Albanian literature (also a 1936 letter) comprising -

(Languages) Albanian & English

1 envelope

MAN/1/14 - Writings re and transcriptions of Albanian literature (circa) (1944-1979)

Previous number: part of item 5

Contents: writings re and transcriptions of Albanian literature comprising -

(Languages) Albanian

1 envelope

MAN/1/15 - Typescripts by Mann re Albania (1962-1979) (circa)

Previous number: part of item 15

Contents: typescripts by Mann re Albania comprising -

(Languages) English

1 envelope

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