
UCL Faculty of Life Sciences


What is biodiversity and why does it matter?

Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth. UCL research highlights the essential services that it provides.

Biodiversity encompasses genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Whether we value it as a good in itself, or for the services it provides, we and our economies depend on it.

Infographic showing three kinds of biodiversity, genetic, species and ecosystem

Houses of Parliament

UCL's Dr Elizabeth Boakes sends a message to Parliament: 'Biodiversity is critical to food security’

UCL Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research Research Fellow Elizabeth Boakes gives expert testimony to Parliament on food security and biodiversity.

wasp on wood

Wasps are valuable for ecosystems, economy and human health (just like bees)

Wasps deserve to be just as highly valued as other insects, like bees, due to their roles as predators, pollinators, and more, according to a new review paper led by UCL and University of East Anglia researchers.


UCL-led research unveils bacteriophages repurposed by plant pathogens to combat microbial rivals

Bacteriophages, viruses that attack and destroy bacteria, are everywhere in the natural world, playing a vital yet not fully understood role in regulating microbe populations.


forest and fog

Mozambican Woodlands could store more than double the carbon previously estimated

The capacity of Mozambican woodlands to capture and store carbon is underestimated and potentially undervalued for their protection and restoration, finds new research from an international team of scientists including UCL researchers.

street trees

How trees saved 153 lives in London in eight years

UCL study quantifies the number of lives that are being saved as trees reduce temperatures in hot cities.

Autumn trees

Living near woodlands is good for children and young people’s mental health

Children and young people’s proximity to woodlands has been linked with better cognitive development and a lower risk of emotional and behavioural problems.