
UCL Faculty of Life Sciences


Public Engagement

The LMCB runs a variety of activites to promote open and effective dialogue between the public and our scientists.

Our objectives are to:

  • To raise public awareness of LMCB research 
  • To raise awareness of molecular cell biology, locally, nationally and internationally
  • To inspire and inform the next generation of researchers
  • To influence science policy and research practice

Our activities include:

  • Participation in the science festivals
  • Museum exhibitions
  • Involvement with local schools
  • Local talks aimed at non-scientist audiences
  • Training and workshops for our scientists
  • Engagement with policymakers
  • Collaboration with patient groups and foundations
I want to do science! Had lots of fun and talked to interesting people with cool jobs... Fun, informative, excellent... Good science learning, very interactive. Great exhibition for people of all ages... I found it very interesting and I learned a lot of new things. Amazing!... This is the best event I have ever been to!... (Evaluation for MRC Festival, Summer Science Fete, 2019)
Loved the Drosophila event, must consider it as a career... I loved how a lot of it was practical, instead of being spoken at... Enjoyed all activities and thought it was really hands on... Had a lovely time, everyone was so nice and easy to talk to... (Stoke Newington School students, Feedback from School Visit 2017)
scientist and young men at outreach event
Annual programme


‘School visits’ programme – This annual programme was established in 2001 by Louise Cramer and is now an integral part of outreach opportunities for PhD students at the LMCB. It comprises a day-long visit by sixth-form students to the LMCB, during which they learn about cell biology research, take part in lab-based activities and a careers Q&A.


Science Festivals – The LMCB regularly participates in the science festivals, running a number of activities and workshops focused around disseminating knowledge of cell and tissue biology. 

Summer work experience for secondary school students – We partner with in2scienceUK to give secondary school students from disadvantaged backgrounds an opportunity to gain insights into cell and tissue biology research.

All year

‘Scientists go back to school’ programme – LMCB researchers visit schools to promote knowledge of their research and science as a career. Visits are aimed at both primary and secondary school children.